Stop The Left’s Violent Attacks Against Republicans [VIDEO] – IOTW Report

Stop The Left’s Violent Attacks Against Republicans [VIDEO]


h/t Conservative Treehouse.

17 Comments on Stop The Left’s Violent Attacks Against Republicans [VIDEO]

  1. If anyone is injured, be sure to ad the old speaker of the house Pelowsi [cash cow] and Shillery Rotten Clinton [cashcow] for their instrumental roles in endorsing violence.

  2. There have been no violent attacks against Republicans. Not one.

    There have been snit fits. Ineffectual flailing. Temper tantrums. Acting out.

    When the “violent attacks” happen you will see an actual response. Which will be reported as a sudden lessening of left wing activity. Because the bodies will be gone, there will be no video, no one will know what happened, but those cheese dick fucks that were making noise just now ain’t no where to be found.

    If the left had any sense, they would fear this.

    It will start with their troops on the streets. It will quickly progress to the ones bankrolling and social media motivating being addressed on their beds at three AM with a quiet voice and a sharp, long knife at their throats sitting on their chests.

    Think about this you leftists. You spoke and counseled violence against us. We need not your permission to reply in kind. Nor your forgiveness if we are much better at this than you.

    Sweet Dreams!

  3. Can’t we just beat the Crap out of them, they are 5% of the populution creating 90 of the problems.
    We had better do it before the wussies get Minority freak status, and become untouchable.

  4. Wait till you see the “Kent Stating” at the US border with this army of ‘immigrants’ marching toward it.

    Soros should be in the same prison cell as hillary clinton.

  5. So it all makes sense: The same people who advocate violence against their opponents, that is, Republicans, are pushing the gun control agenda. That makes it pretty transparent. The left only wants to disarm us so they can take our stuff, including what little liberty we still have.

  6. Lowell October 21, 2018 at 8:04 pm

    There have been no violent attacks against Republicans. Not one.

    How many more times did I need to get shot for it to count as violence against a Republican? What’s the over/under on bullet wounds to qualify?


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