Stop the Pearl Clutching: Election Suspicions Are Legit – IOTW Report

Stop the Pearl Clutching: Election Suspicions Are Legit

Breitbart- At this point in the 2016 election, the sitting president had already weaponized the federal government into a sprawling covert-spy operation against the man who had just been elected president. It would be years, however, before guilty parties even admitted that they had, indeed, used the government to spy on their political opponents at the height of a national election.

So please, spare me all the pearl-clutching over President Trump and 70 million American citizens who are today rightly suspicious about whether this latest election was stolen.

All the experts in the political press assured us — with mountains of polling “evidence” — that Mr. Trump would lose this election in a double-digit landslide. And he would take half the Republican Party down with him.

That did NOT happen. In many ways, they were even more wrong this time than they were in 2016.

So please, shove it where your head has been these past four years as Mr. Trump pursues every available legal option in these races that have turned out to be so razor-close that anyone remotely interested in fair and honest elections would want a closer, careful look. more

15 Comments on Stop the Pearl Clutching: Election Suspicions Are Legit

  1. Not only this, but they decided to steal 2020 on November 4, 2016.

    What we are seeing is the rotten fruit of a four year conspiracy. And the only reason they won the House in 2018 was on the back of fraudulent Russia hoax claims.

    The republic cannot hinge on a sliver majority in the Senate that depends on the same RINOs begging for a seat in a Biden administration. The surrender caucus made up of the establishment Republicans have been stretching all year long so they can bend over forward and not get a cramp.

  2. Clutching pearls? More like rotten bananas.

    Logic and facts don’t work with Democrats. They have their “truth” over everything. Joey Biden said so.

    When Trump wins the election, the media won’t even announce it and all the Fairies and Karens will blabber on with bananas in their ears.

  3. The Dems once again believed their fake polls and were settling in for a leisurely night of background noise fraud just to maintain a comfortable lead, with mail-in ballots being held in reserve to tamp down the occasional hotspot, should the need arise. Long about 9:00, they started getting that queasy deja vu feeling, and then Florida made it horrifyingly obvious that they were under full-scale landslide assault by Trump’s forces.

    Suddenly, all of those reserves were not enough and the planned deployment of cyber fraud was woefully inadequate. Everything would have to be ramped up quickly and exponentially to hold their lines. But they needed to pause the onslaught, so they stopped the counting and rushed in reserves to mount a counterattack under cover of darkness. By dawn, their plan appeared to be a success. Trump’s assault appeared to have been halted and driven back.

    But the desperate Dem effort had left their forces exposed and vulnerable to air attack, and the aDem media air defense could do little more than lay down smokescreens to cover exposed positions and withdrawals from some of the territory they had hoped to gain.

    As of this writing, there is fierce hand-to-hand combat in district-to-district warfare. Republican forces in occupied territory are regrouping and taking the fight to the enemy. Nothing is certain except a bloody slog and total war in the effort to gain the unconditional surrender of those who would launch such a dastardly sneak attack on the republic.


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