Stop the Presses! It’s PetGate! – IOTW Report

Stop the Presses! It’s PetGate!

Patriot Retort:

From the crack news team that brought you the explosive IceCreamGate, we now have PetGate!

Stop the presses! Begin the impeachment process!

PetGate will sink Trump’s presidency!


31 Comments on Stop the Presses! It’s PetGate!

  1. Germophobes are probably not really big on the dirty, smelly mess that pets are. Probably not really big on groping strange, either. But that’s another story.

  2. I don’t own a pet. I don’t have time for a pet, nor do I want the expense of owning a pet. Kenneling a dog is quite expensive, and it has forced some hotels to accept dogs in their rooms, but the owner pays dearly for it. Trump can well afford a dog, but does it make sense to own one? Trump is meticulous, I saw a youtube video of his Trump airliner. The pilot has to make sure every thing is perfect inside the seating area. No dogs for Trump. Furthermore I hate the grieving process whenever we lost our fur babies. Trump is not your mainstream pet President. When Barron is old enough to own a pet and take care of it on his own instead of a nanny, then he should own one. No private jet just for the dog like the Obama’s did.

  3. A more interesting inquiry would be where are the Obama dogs?!!! It is easy to get a pet, caring for them for the entire duration of their life is the commitment. It is cruel to adopt and then dump when they are no longer young or useful to your image.

  4. Obama didn’t have a pet until 14 months after inauguration, so there is that factoid. SillyLizza. I don’t think Trump will get a pet but so what?

    I have a friend who was an Army nurse for 3 years at the White House, Clinton made the Secret Service walk his dog (that later was killed by a car because no one cared) and Bush walked his own dogs.

  5. Well, BFH, it is time to run the pic again, that proves he has a pet Honey Badger.

    I have that framed pic right in my dining room under a replica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, where libs can see it while at the buffet table. It will be moved to the next honored place above my piano when I get the floating glass shelves installed.

    At a recent party, my Trumpster relatives caught the libs staring at the pic and had to exit to another room brcause the Trumpsters couldn’t contain their laughing.

  6. Has anyone seen Bo and Sunny since the Obungholes left the Whitehouse. Poor animals were treated as props and then discarded when no longer convenient. Better that PDT not get a pet than get one as a political prop.

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