Stop the presses! Trump said PU$$Y!!!! – IOTW Report

Stop the presses! Trump said PU$$Y!!!!

PatriotRetort: So the big story today is a leaked audio recording from eleven years ago in which Donald Trump talked like a typical guy around other typical guys.

And we’re supposed to what exactly?

Be horrified?

Sweet merciful Zeus! Trump said pussy!!!

Listen, I worked for ten years at a landscape construction company. Believe me. I have heard guys talk like guys. And somehow I managed to live my life without anything horrible happening to me.

I heard the word pussy tossed around so much, you’d think I worked on a cat farm.

They were good guys. Sure, some of them were a little course, and like most men in their twenties, a bit sex obsessed.

But they were good at their work and they always treated me with respect. Always.

The truth is, if I have to choose between a President who eleven years ago used some ribald language when talking to other guys or choosing a President whose husband sexually assaulted women, I’ll pick the ribald guy. Every time.


53 Comments on Stop the presses! Trump said PU$$Y!!!!

  1. Now, if he had said “snatch” they’d have had an argument.
    Now, he couldn’t say “clit” because it’s too hard to find, much less grab.

    Maybe this is a good spot to stop. 🙂

  2. However, Mr. Jordan’s role was key to Kenneth Starr getting authorization to expand his independent counsel investigation into the Lewinsky affair. Mr. Starr had been investigating Mr. Jordan’s role in funneling a $100,000 consulting contract to Webster Hubbell, an Arkansas crony of President Clinton’s who was forced from the Justice Department and ended up in jail for fraud. The goal: to prove a pattern of buying the silence of potential witnesses against the President.

    A more nuanced view of Mr. Jordan’s role in the crisis, however, is starting to emerge. The Feb. 2 editions of Time and Newsweek provide more rounded pictures of the President’s chief fixer. And given the X-rated tenor of the scandale , both magazines reported the two men’s fondness for the ladies. Asked what they talked about on the golf course, Mr. Jordan is said to have replied, “We talk pussy.” Newsweek ran the word sans the two s’s. Time did away with all the letters, expect p.

  3. Sorry, I’m a “typical male” and I don’t talk about cheating on my wife. And it’s not that he just used the word pussy, it was more than that.

    This is not good. Nope, not at all. Regardless, I will still vote against Hillary.. for all the right reasons.

  4. Wow. Trump said pussy. Ten years ago.
    So I’m going to vote for the incompetent, bad trade deal, open borders, big spending, America hating, lying, cheating, wicked bitch with Parkinson’s disease.

  5. My uncle is a brother in the seminary, and even though he has limited experiences, he chimes in with what he can when the guys are all talking about exploits.
    It’s a guy thing.

  6. Being ribald has little to do with it. It is blatantly committing adultery and not honoring the sanctity of marriage. Does not change my vote. I would have walked away from the conversation.

  7. @ DaveVA
    I’m all for the sanctity of marriage, but I’m also all for the sanctity of human life, and for stopping our country from completely and inextricably being seeded to the global cabal who probably orgy whenever they can.

  8. I don’t know why people are surprised. He was on Howard Stern’s show a bunch of times, he publicly argued with Rosie O’Donuts (she started it), he’s been on National Enquirer more times than Jennifer Aniston and Joan Collins combined. Haven’t heard much weirdness from him since 2009 ish. But we’re supposed to be shocked at things that were public knowledge 11 years ago? Again, nothing he said was worthy of criminal charges. Compare that to the actual criminal crap hillary and bill and chelsea have done all these years. I’ll take Trump in a heartbeat.

    As for FOX news, they trashed Ted Cruz and every candidate who seemed Conservative since forever. Called Cruz a child, ‘not an adult’, the Tea Party is just grown adults throwing a fit, and then some. They didn’t get Kasich or Jeb! so they’ve been shitting themselves ever since. Fuck FOX and all the bullshit they’ve been throwing at us for years, just because we don’t want to be sucked into the Democrat plantation along with them.

  9. I’m married but if I see a hunk I may lean into a gal pal and say, “I’d like to break off a piece of that”.
    Or, “I’d use THAT to stir my drink”. 😀

  10. Donald Trump is a horrible misogynist. Even Gloria Allred hates him. There’s less than one month left for the Democrats to replace their candidate, so people of good conscience can vote against this deplorable man.

  11. Good grief the only guys who never would talk about ‘pussy’ are hillary voters. Being a healthy red blooded male I only think about it 15 or 20 times a day. Trump voter of course

  12. @ Brian. Well fairs fair. Your hero Billy has skated free more times than anybody will ever know. And YOUR presidential hopeful Hillary has defended and lied to get a child molester off Scott free, you brain dead fucker.

  13. Bad Brad- He’s a nevertrumper. Pay him no mind. The sad part is he’s using a picture of Andrew Breitbart as his avatar. A guy who would have laughed at what Trump said and explained the difference between actions and words. BTW, I didn’t hear a ‘sexual assault’. That’s a tactic you hear the SJW’s use right before they ask for a safe space. LOL.

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