Look at these friggin muslim animals. These are the people Ben Affleck has in his goofy giant toupeed head when he says there are millions of peaceful muslims who just want to pray and eat a sandwich. Ya, a burnt human sandwich.
Some guy was on a bus in the Congo and the people became suspicious that he was part of ISIS. So they stoned him, burnt him and then ATE HIM.
Hey everybody, let’s bring Congolese culture to America!!! Let’s not have some American sh!tweasel named BigFurHat being hurtful and racist and Islamophobic. Let’s take him off the internet and put him into reeducation camp. He’s part of the truly BAD culture, he’s a dumb redneck in a double-wide that condemns murdering a man without due process and cannibalism. Something’s wrong with that boy.
Uncultured louts. Anything more than medium rare is barbaric.
While I pretty much agree with you, BFH, are you suggesting that murdering a man with due process is not to be condemned?
No Mau Maus here please. What’s ailing BFH is the same thing that affected George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
If I am expected to apologize for my ancestors being racists, when do I get the apology for black peoples’ ancestors being cannibals?
My mistake, it’s missionary that you serve boiled! Hope they had a nice chianti and some fava beans to go with it!
I guess we’ll be seeing this story on Page 1 of the NYT, WaPo, etc.
And on Press the Meat and the other Sunday morning shows.
I hear ISIS members are excellent fricasseed!
I am for the death penalty.
If after your trial it is perfectly clear to any reasonable human that you did indeed rape the 11 year-old before shoving her in a barrel and lighting it on fire, you can call their departure from the living world anything you want to call it.
Death penalty, murder – who cares?
We call abortion murder and the state calls it legal.
@ govlawyer…Chianti? maybe…..I was thinking of something drier and with deeper, nuttier tones….a Zinfandel perhaps?….what about the side dishes…risotto?…..flava beans?….I’ll need to call my buddy Hannibal
They’re not all bad, at least they hate ISIS.
Murder is murder no matter what euphemism you call it like “choice”. What I wonder is why those pro-choice dolts did not exercise their choice sooner by not having sex or using birth control. As for the muslim savages, they are a metastizing cancer on society and need to be removed. They are not a productive culture, they are a destructive culture bent on enslaving the non cult members.
He appears to be a little late in the application of the barbecue sauce
Sure hope they served it up with a side of fries and some slaw.
And just look how much they saved on lawyers and a court not to mention prison time.
You don’t have to serve time when you get served.
…Think about this, White People…You can take cannibals out of Africa, but you cannot take Africa out of cannibals!!! Any way you see this,
Africans exist in a culture from the Stone Age…
Progs never learn, you cannot civiliz everybody in the Planet…
Double-wide, eh? One- or two-storeys?
Aw, fuck it! Sometimes people need killin!
And if it’s part of the culture to eat em,
then go for it!
That’s why God invented oceans – quarantine zones.
MacDonalds just brought back the McRib Sandwich.
Suspicious timing!
With any luck, that guy had Ebola.
Yeah baby, tastes like BBQ chickin………..
When I am president, you know where I’ll be sending the detainees.
Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being. Execution of a criminal for a capital crime after trial by jury is lawful, hence not murder.
You can play semantic games that are so-far-right-they’re-actually-left, Al — but what’s the alternative? Without a central institution to do lawful violence to a murderer, what you’ll get are family members who will do the honors, which will spur reprisals by the murderer’s family, and so on and so forth until you’ve become the Middle East
So, Callmelennie,
Since the holocaust was “lawful” under National Socialism, it was OK? The genocide of the Armenians also carried the imprint of the Turk judiciary as did the Cambodian ‘excesses’ under Pol Pot and the ‘cleansing’ under Castro and the 100,000,000 dead under the auspices of the Communists’ “Cultural Revolution.”
You are just as dead by judicial murder as by extra-judicial murder.
Ebola is not an issue if the person or monkey is cooked “well-done”. Best to use a meat thermometer. True story – I read it in the Kongo-Kookbook.
Got a great idea how to eradicate libtards now. We can solve Africa’s hunger problem, libidiot white guilt, and the planet’s Islamist problems all at the same time.
Long pig is back on the menu boys!
Ya mon! You wanting fries wid dat?