Store withdraws chocolate ducklings following racism complaints – IOTW Report

Store withdraws chocolate ducklings following racism complaints

KCCI: UK grocery chain Waitrose has apologized after being accused of racism over the names of three chocolate ducklings.

The “Waitrose Trio of Chocolate Easter Ducklings” contains a white, milk and dark chocolate version, which were named “Fluffy,” “Crispy” and “Ugly” respectively.

A Twitter user questioned why Waitrose had chosen to call the darkest duckling “Ugly.”

“Overheard women saying ‘this is not right,’ I agree, doesn’t look good at all,” wrote Livia A. Aliberti on March 7.

Waitrose has since apologized in a short statement seen by CNN.


h/t Becky

35 Comments on Store withdraws chocolate ducklings following racism complaints

  1. I hate black ducks. I don’t know why — they just make me mad.

    But I’m Anonymous, so who the hell would want to know what I have to say?

    There’s NOTHING worse than an anonymous black duck.

  2. anoymousblackduck, I endorse this too. Especially if you consistently post under this name. This will allow you to stand out from the other anonymouses and gives us an opportunity to be more meaningful with or comments to you. You’re on the right track.

  3. ABD, it sounds like you were never really anonymous?
    That was the main point of contention last night.

    Imagine if everyone here posted under the anonymous name?
    The site would die within days.
    It would suck, and I wouldn’t even bother.

    BTW, I applaud you for including an avatar.

  4. To my mind a comment stood on its own — and required no ownership. But apparently that was an error on my part. I will continue to read every comment, regardless of ownership, because, well, that’s what I do. That’s why I’m here.

  5. I was anonymous because I didn’t want to be fired from my situation. This is the only place on the interwebs I can say (type) exactly what I want to say.

    But I was anon simply as an extra layer of, “I don’t know what you are talking about…” to my employers.

  6. In my mind a comment can, and does, stand on its own. However it’s more meaningful if the comment comes from a source that has a track record and we know from previous comments a little bit about your perspective on things. That’s not to say anyone wants your address, phone number, and SSN.

  7. My old machines remembered my gravatar. My newer machines of the last 6 years don’t remember, and I have no idea why.

    And to think I did programming and never cared enough to trouble it out.

  8. I don’t know how to explain it any better Joe6.
    Being anonymous is fine, but multiple commentors with the same anonymous name and no avatar means one or multiple people commenting on a post with nothing to differentiate them.
    If someone on this site used my nom de plume to post an alternative viewpoint it wouldn’t make sense.

    No, I am not trying to drive anyone away from this site, I want to welcome them into our community.
    A community of John & Jane Does’ that aren’t recognized ONLY as John & Jane Doe.

  9. Dark….with ALMONDS…is best.

    @ABD – only been here a year. Still figuring out how to put my ava up.

    I dig your bird ‘profile’ you look grounded are you?

  10. Here is a PERFECT example:

    I want to comment on a comment an anonymous poster made.
    I have to scroll up and see what anon commentor it was.
    Turns out it was anonymous #2.

    FYI, A-#2, your employer could prove that any comment here came from your ip address and your company PC, regardless of if you choose a screen name.
    In addition, they could be monitoring your key-strokes or any other multitude of “surveillance.”
    I think the fact that this site isn’t blocked by your employer is actually a good sign. Unless of course they are laying a trap…

    In addition, anyone that wants to follow who I am responding to has to scroll up and find out exactly which anon poster is anon #2.

  11. Loco, how do you know it’s anonymous number two? They don’t use numbers.

    Did you pick up some good tickets for “An Evening With the Clinton’s”? If it’s not front and center I’m not coming.

  12. I’d bet they would have also objected to the 3Fs:
    “Fluffy,” “Frispy” and “Fugly”.

    Seek and you will find. Far too many people today are seeking to find something to bitch about, and they find it.

  13. So no one knows Hans Christian Anderson’s story about the Ugly Duckling. I thought it was a clever reference. Not everything is about skin color FCS.

  14. The funny thing is, the “complaint” originally came from Titania McGrath who did it as a spoof. It was mean’t to be satire to show how ridiculous SJWs are.

  15. I did’t go onto IOTW from a machine I logged into at work. That would be silly. I used machines and networks that had nothing to do with their LAN(s).

    Hence my extra layer of not logging into even gravatar.

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