Stormy and Creepy have ‘Sorted S**t Out’ – IOTW Report

Stormy and Creepy have ‘Sorted S**t Out’

Sorted out, for now. Let me guess, he pinky-swore to give her some of that GoFundMe cash?

DC: Adult entertainer Stormy Daniels announced that she and attorney Michael Avenatti had worked out their differences in a Sunday afternoon tweet.

“Pleased that Michael and I have sorted s**t out and we know the accounting is on the up and up,” she said. “We are going to kick ass together on two coasts tomorrow.”

Daniels had alleged just a week ago that Avenatti had not been forthcoming with information regarding their financial arrangements, and even accused him of filing a defamation suit on her behalf — but without her permission — against President Donald Trump.

“Michael has not treated me with the respect and deference an attorney should show to a client,” she said. “He has spoken on my behalf without my approval. He filed a defamation case against Donald Trump against my wishes.”

Avenatti responded, saying, “Onward and upward. To all the people that want to divide us for their own agendas: It is not going to happen!” He also announced his plans to put continued pressure on former Trump attorney Michael Cohen — who just reached a plea deal last week with special counsel Robert Mueller.  more here



13 Comments on Stormy and Creepy have ‘Sorted S**t Out’

  1. Nothing shows the depths that the MSDM will lower themselves to in their deranged opposition of President Trump more than the way this Slut and her Shyster have been promoted as honest opponents of his Presidency. Can anyone imagine a more despicable couple of sleaze bags than these two losers representing the public face of the Democrat Party? Oh, that’s right! Bill and Hillary Clinton are the true face of the Democrat Party.

    Trump Derangement Syndrome certainly has debased what is left of the party of FDR and JFK.

  2. Stormy: This one is your turd, not mine.
    Avenatti: OK, I’ll take that one, if you take this one.
    Stormy: Yes, that one’s mine…its smaller than yours…
    Avenatti: Give me that huge turd, and I’ll give you this little one…


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