Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Owes Nearly $6 Million In Back Taxes – IOTW Report

Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Owes Nearly $6 Million In Back Taxes

Big League Politics: The lawyer for porn star Stormy Daniels, Michael Avenatti, has found his own fame working the left-wing media circuit, being hosted on CNN 59 times in less than two months. But while Avenatti has been trying to claim moral high ground over Trump, a few skeletons in his own closet have come to light.

As it turns out, Avenatti owes $5 million in back taxes!

Not only that, but Michael Avenatti has come under fire for shady business dealings relating to a failing coffee chain his company purchased. After his investment firm bought Tully’s Coffee for $9.15 million, he has been named in over 50 state and federal complaints for a number of violations, including breach of lease actions and warrants for unpaid taxes.  MORE HERE


h/t Bad Brad, bluntforcetruth, and Seattle Times.

19 Comments on Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Owes Nearly $6 Million In Back Taxes

  1. When the hell is Trumps government going to start prosecuting these people. This dick should be sharing a cell with Al Sharpton. Don’t worry about being accused of selective prosecution and let the evidence speak for itself.

  2. Time to pick up Avenatti and Sharpton. And don’t forget Reverend Jesse, I understand he owes back taxes equivalent to the GDP of Sweden.

    PDT should announce a national Anti-Corruption program. Every Federal Judge and elected Official gets a full IRS audit. Plus a mandatory “in depth security review” of ALL their devices…desktops, laptops, phones. And ESPECIALLY Congress.

    Drain half the Swamp in one sweeping move. Find child porn on some Hawaiian Judge’s laptop, charge him, and watch the Resignation Wave begin.

    MAGA baby. With a vengeance.

  3. 6 mil huh? Lemme see: At 40% he only needs to blackmail President Trump to the tune of 15 mil to break even. So why not go for a cool 20 mil just to make it worth his while? No one will figure out what he’s up to. The MSM will cover. If this was Hillary the honorable low-ya would wind up in Fort Marcy park.

  4. Stephanie Clifford has not aged well. The more we see of her, the more impossible her story sounds.

    Note to all conservative bloggers and reporters: Stop parroting the Leftist smear that there was “an affair”. She only claims a “one night stand”. Even that is hard to believe. And I’m not the germaphobe that PDT is.


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