Stormy Wore Cleavage Exposing Bulletproof Vest to Court – IOTW Report

Stormy Wore Cleavage Exposing Bulletproof Vest to Court

Salty Cracker has the titails.

35 Comments on Stormy Wore Cleavage Exposing Bulletproof Vest to Court

  1. Commies don’t have hearts, nor brains either, so a heart or head shot is useless anyway.

    It’s all spleen with this bunch, and bile for blood.

    And shit.

    Lots and lots of shit…

  2. I was born with more than my fair share of Testo. You know those Libtard trolls that show up here occasionally. Yea, I have most theirs too. So here’s the deal. Trumps going to spend hours speaking with this woman over dineer to stick his lil Donald in her. Not buying it when you consider what he has at home waiting on him. Talk about slumming.
    However, this case has nothing to do with whether Trump went where every other man on the planet (not me) has gone before. It still comes back to a General Ledger entry that’s like at least twice removed from anything actually coming out of Trump Internationals bank account. Cohen paid it. Cohen invoiced Trump international. Cohen then asked for cash. What a joke. This is another banana republic attempt to run the rump good name through the sewer. Which is exactly what they tried to do and everyone and their dead still voting relatives recognizes it for what it is.
    Mr. New York, DJT wants a show down with the guy that he sees put him through this. BFH might get his wish. DJT may punch Bidens ticket as soon as he sees him. That would be all bad. I think. You don’t fuck with a family name. Libtards keep crossing lines they shouldn’t. Sometimes you need to learn the hard way. God bless DJT.
    By the way, I’m old, but I’m not digging salty cracker. Probably just me.

  3. Brad, “By the way, I’m old, but I’m not digging salty cracker. Probably just me.”

    Quite so. I’d prefer William F. Buckley Jr.

    Salty Cracker could make his points in 30 seconds. But like so many of the asswipes in these times they go on and on and on making the same statement 42 times. Maybe the retards of the current age need the reinforcement? I don’t know. But I find it tedious.

  4. Brad, Trump banged Stormy. Period. Wham, bam, thank you ma’am.
    No use rehashing that and debating it. It happened.
    She is a gold digging cunt who uses her tits & twat to advance.
    Simple as that.

    What bothers me is how she was able to extort money from the man.
    University of Louisville coach Rick Pitino was extorted by a woman who he banged in a restaurant year ago.
    He called the feds and she went to jail.
    Trump used the typical option of a powerful, rich man.
    Pay the whore & move on.

    Remember when congress had a taxpayer funded slush fund to pay for bimbo eruptions?

    Thing is, I don’t care who Trump fucks while the cadaver in office is fucking the country towards it’s demise…

  5. Trump himself said they let you “grab them by the pussy.”
    THEY DO!

    It’s no big deal to me.
    Hell, I would bang the big tittied, vapid, cum dumpster.
    Wake up to reality Brad.

    Thing is, that is not even the argument anymore.
    EVERYONE knows he fucked her.
    So fucking what?
    It was 2006!!!!!!!!!!!
    Drop the 15 pound dumbbells & get with the times old man…

  6. Loco

    At his level it’s a cost of doing business. Which is a legit Journal Entry. It’s cheaper paying them off than fighting them. And that’s exactly what happened here except his attorney was on the pay off end as well. COGS, Cost Of Goods Sold is where we would have put it.

  7. Loco

    We have a big difference of opinion. It’s not only age but life style that drives it. I don’t believe he ever touched her. And the big reason why is she’s simply not that attractive.

  8. For those of you that would say “ewww, YOU would bang that bitch!”
    Yes, but you are missing the point.
    I, like Trump simply distilled her down to a collection of desirable body parts for the male species.
    I don’t respect her, nor give a shit about the thoughts in her primitive brain.
    She is simply a vessel of release.

  9. “She is simply a vessel of release.”

    WOW. I mean fucking WOW. So you lack any standards. You’d be better off choking the chicken. But I have met plenty like you. No disrespect intended. I don’t believe DJT falls in the same category as what you speak of.

  10. Brad, men have weaknesses.
    DJT is a man.
    I am a man.
    Given the position of power, many men take advantage.
    Trump has been married more than once.
    I think it’s quaint that you put him on such a pedestal.
    I know I will never disabuse of that notion.
    Good for you.
    I always said you wore “Trump covered glasses.”
    Honestly, that is not a bad thing.
    Delusional, but not bad…

  11. Loco, brother, I’m actually feeling a little bad for you. If you’ve ever made love, to someone you truly love, sex, for sex sake, is very unfulfilling. I hope one day you find that person.

  12. Jeffery of the village idiot Pirates Cove is Loco. Anything the Lefties try to make standard, he parrots.

    And famous people often pay the money. That’s why the money is demanded in the first place.

  13. Back in the day she may have been appealing (?) to some. I’ll never know.
    But today she’s an overweight, old, sagging, severely used Whore who loves the limelight and the money she receives.
    As Abdule would say, “She’s one step above a goat.”

  14. Many years ago a con slammed on his brakes in the left hand turn lane just as the green light activated and he had proceeded. My hubby hit his brakes but still nudged him at about half a mile an hour. Didn’t even dent his bumper. Con threw himself out of his vehicle onto the median screaming and holding his neck and back. Witnesses stayed to talk to cops because it was so obvious what he did. Cops and firefighters recognized the prick. Said he pulled this shit all the time. He and his lawyer got $65000 from our insurance. Apparently the reason he and his lawyer asked for that amount was at that time $70000 was the threshold that insurance companies put up a fight.

    Doesn’t $130,000 sound like an odd sum? Does to me.

  15. Yet he still bonked her with no protection/rubber all the while poor Melania was at home pregnant with Baron. I see is Brad is doing what he does best cry’n & deny’n like a doofus maximus. Here’s a used hanky.

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