Stranded motorist who fatally shot firefighter reportedly thought vampires were hunting him – IOTW Report

Stranded motorist who fatally shot firefighter reportedly thought vampires were hunting him

HARRISON COUNTY, Ind. — The stranded motorist who shot and killed volunteer Firefighter Jacob Tyler McClanahan had run out of gasoline Monday night, pulled his vehicle over and, according to his mother, thought vampires were after him at the time of the shooting.

The motorist, Justin Moore, was shot and killed by a police officer who arrived on scene following McClanahan’s shooting.

Moore’s mother, Rachel Crisp, told reporters that he had been in declining health and having delusions. MORE

16 Comments on Stranded motorist who fatally shot firefighter reportedly thought vampires were hunting him

  1. …this is something of a cautionary tale about just how stupid, how pointless, how random death can be, and how quickly the mundane can become deadly for no reason at all. The reason why cops approach “routine” traffic stops with one hand on the gun. The reason why medics size a situation up first before rendering aid.

    The reason why you should be VERY careful if you decide to help random person out of the goodness of your heart if they seem to be having a common roadside emergency.

    Because you never know who’s crazy.

    And crazy is capable of anything.

    The psychopath by definition is not behaviorally “normal”. They can lack empathy, mercy, even humanity, and give NONE of the cues they are about to do something that you’d expect from a normal person.

    A person that can break their own finger with their other hand without warning and not even change expression when they’re doing it is a force to be reconed with.

    We had a crazy guy set his own house on fire and call 911, only so he could jap in a window of his flaming house and try to plink a first responder with a rifle. Happily, he was a lousy shot and misjudged the fire.

    We had a guy in a poorly managed residential group home set the neighbor’s house on fire because he thought they were demons.

    One guy was red-tagged by the cops because his family called their minister when he was having a “mental health crisis”, and the minister got clubbed in the head with an acoustic guitar for his troubles.

    I had one guy walk up to the firehouse and ask why we weren’t doing anything about the missles setting fires all around us.

    …some folks just see a different world, and lack restraint in how they deal with it.

    And you can’t tell by looking if that’s someone you just met.

    Firefighter McClanahan found that out the hard way. He just wanted to help someone when he thought he knew what the problem was, only to find out too late that the real problem was MUCH more severe.

    Keep in mind that this crazy guy drove till he ran out of gas. He could have been in the car next to you. He could have HIT your car. Then you pull over and find out you’re a demon.

    And then you’re dead.

    May God bless the McClanahan family and his fellow firefighters in their hour of need. May He bless the police officer that did what he had to do, that he may not be haunted by the memory of the life he had to take.

    And may He, too, comfort Mr. Moore’s family in their hour of need, that they lost a son to mental illness in a system that most likely failed everyone when they could have prevented this death, and perhaps helped return Mr. Moore to sanity instead of leaving him to kill.

    Keep this in mind the next time you consider aiding a breakdown, or even being aided in a breakdown.

    Life is precious easily lost.

    Death can be sudden, random, and make absolutely no sense.

    People may not need a reason to kill you.

    And insanity is rampant in this land.

    If you help, God bless you, but go mindfully, cautiously, and never assume the situation is safe and always whaf it seems.

    And never, EVER expect death to make sense.

    Because a lot of times, it never will.

  2. My wife was talking to her Alabama sister today who told her the following story. She opened the door to a knock and a guy was standing there that wanted her to call 911 because some people were chasing him. She yelled to her daughter to cover the guy with a gun while she called. The cops pulled up, arrested him, and told her they had been looking for him for 3 weeks. Why? They didnt say. This is out in the sticks but the area now has a bunch of trailers for the fine folks swarming over the border that work in chicken houses. And do drugs, gang bang, etc. The country is swirling down the shitter fast. FJB. Oh, and I saw where the NYT is pushing the idea of Liz Cheney as Democrat Prez. Makes sense that’s what she’s up to.

  3. Holy cow, SNS! Thanks for the *uplifting* reminder to not help anyone in need. Look, this is one story about a Good Sam getting killed doing a good deed. There’s hundreds, maybe thousands, of untold stories of people doing good deeds for their fellow man. Yes, DO be careful interacting with anyone who is a stranger, and DON’T get involved with people who are clearly off their nut and are able to hurt you. Be wise about it.

    “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind.” (Timothy)

  4. AbigailAdams
    MAY 23, 2022 AT 6:13 PM
    “Holy cow, SNS! Thanks for the *uplifting* reminder to not help anyone in need.”

    ..that’s NOT what I said. Quoting myself…

    “If you help, God bless you, but go mindfully, cautiously, and never assume the situation is safe and always whaf it seems.”

    …not a rejection of Good Samming at ALL. Just a call for some sense.

    …I do NOT personally have a problem going in harm’s way, but I’ve seen the elephant and know my risks. Not everone does. My message is simply a cautionary one to take NO perceived situation at face value, but to assess risk and be aware that if you get YOURSELF killed you are helping NO ONE, least of all your PATIENT.

    Beyond that, everyone has their own risk tolerance and shpuld act accordingly.

    Old shits like me have little to lose. We’re just waiting around to see which old age disease kills us anyway. If I was ready to die at 20, I’m no less so 30 odd years on.

    But I did learn some things along the way that a Good Sam may NOT have.

    I will SEE where the hands go, because I’ve learned the hard way to LOOK.

    Would you?

  5. AbigailAdams
    MAY 23, 2022 AT 6:13 PM
    “Holy cow, SNS! Thanks for the *uplifting* reminder to not help anyone in need.”

    “DON’T get involved with people who are clearly off their nut and are able to hurt you. Be wise about it.”

    …and that’s also an issue.

    It’s not always “clear” someone is “off their nut”. I have the scars to prove it.

    And it evidently wasn’t obvious to FF McClanahan.

    …but thanks for calling me a coward anyway.

    Even though you don’t know me at all and evidently didn’t read what I said.

  6. This one is definitely not on me. Vampires are gay. Everyone knows that.

    However, anyone freaks out about werewolves chasing them……most definitely me.

  7. Burr, silver fang for apples
    MAY 23, 2022 AT 6:48 PM

    …nice to see you AB, you’ve been gone a couple of days, thought you went back to Meheco.

    …I’ve been holding this just for YOU, knowing how you are about all things Marcos. Not a fire training video, but you may find it interesting nonetheless…

  8. Jeese, SNS, cut it out! I didn’t call you a coward. I wasn’t even intimating it. But your comments can sometimes go way over the top into the dark side. That’s all I’m saying. If I misunderstood your intent I’m sorry, but your comment sure read like a list of bad side effects one could experience if deciding to help someone in need.

    Have I watched people’s hands and what they’re doing? All the time. I’m extremely aware of what’s going on around me — life in the big city. I don’t take mass transit and I don’t get caught in the middle of crowds, either.

  9. Awww, the mortuary lady. I like her. The only famous sack a bones’ I ever saw was of course, Pol Pot.

    I wanted to do a big 6 foot painting of his body wrapped up in plastic on the bamboo cot. Was gonna’ call it, “Pocket Pol”

    But no, I haven’t gone back to Mesiko…..yet. I quit my job a week or so back and have been busy on my grind ever since trying to make some pocket change.

  10. The Drug-crazed denizens of America are made worse by the entertainment industry, indluding sick novels.

    In 1898 Bram Stoker wrote his novel “Dracula”, which since has been made into a whole slew of movies. It is a fabricated, non-existant human vampire that has scared people for generation. Horror films are the perfect fodder for the unbalanced to feed on.


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