Street in Los Angeles Renamed For Obama – IOTW Report

Street in Los Angeles Renamed For Obama

KFI: You won’t be rolling down Rodeo Road any longer.

The City Council voted Tuesday to rename Rodeo Road in honor of former President Barack Obama. The change was initially proposed by council President Herb Wesson, who noted that Obama held a campaign rally at a site along the street in 2007 during his first campaign for the presidency.

Mayor Eric Garcetti celebrated the news in a post online Wednesday morning.

It’s official: our City Council has voted to rename Rodeo Road to Obama Boulevard! We’re thrilled that Angelenos and visitors will forever be reminded of the legacy of President Barack Obama when traveling across L.A.



40 Comments on Street in Los Angeles Renamed For Obama

  1. They can call it shit street for all I care. These mental midgets are pusillanimous turds.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Thanks for the warning. It would be helpful if all no go zones would publicly identify themselves so that out of towners have fair warning.

    Name your roads and schools and parks after MLK or BHO.

    Very helpful.


  3. Maybe it can live up to the reputation of all of the MLK roads in America. I’ve been on many of them in many different towns, and they are all the main street of the ghetto in whatever town they happen to pop up in.

  4. Hey, maybe they could get that rodeo clown that was fired for wearing an Obama mask to cut the ribbon! No, wait Obama can do it as he is a clown and does not need to wear an Obama mask!

  5. It’s like Richmond VA. They want to tear down confederate statues, and they will. Right now they just vandalize them nearly every weekend.

    And they just renamed an elementary school from J.E.B Stuart (confederate general) to Barack Obama.

    This travel advisory brought to you by the failing city of Richmond, where crime is on the increase and law enforcement are in retreat.

  6. It might be an appropriate fitting name – only if the road is; crooked, covered with potholes, what isn’t a pothole is broken pavement, no dividing lines or fog lines, and all the traffic direction signs are wrong.

  7. Pretty sure this will be the kiss of death for the area. Much like MLK Blvd almost anywhere is known for crime and blight, I’m sure that Barry’s name attached to a street, school or park will do the same.

  8. What’s the name of the street?
    ‘Indonesia road’? ‘Deconstruction of the Constitution lane’?
    ‘Obama wuz here drive’?
    Seriously though, please tell me that it isn’t called ‘obama street’.
    That sounds like a dark sesame street parody.

    edit: Oh ho, ‘Obama Boulevard’? Like THAT doesn’t sound gay at ALL… Okay. Sure.


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