Street signs after Muslim cop kills unarmed woman: “Warning: Twin Cities Police Easily Startled” – IOTW Report

Street signs after Muslim cop kills unarmed woman: “Warning: Twin Cities Police Easily Startled”

Jihad Watch:

The signs refer to a statement from the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), which said police officer Mohamed Noor’s partner Matthew Harrity heard a loud noise before she was shot dead.”

Noor also told friends that he was “startled” just before he killed Justine Damond.


These signs are good, but a more accurate satirical sign would read: “WARNING: TWIN CITIES POLICE MAY BE INCOMPETENT ‘DIVERSITY’ HIRES.”

Minneapolis citizens should be demanding that police officers are hired and fired only on the basis of merit, not because they’re Somali or Muslim or a member of any other privileged victim class.  MORE

19 Comments on Street signs after Muslim cop kills unarmed woman: “Warning: Twin Cities Police Easily Startled”

  1. SOMALI police easily spooked and can kill with impunity (nothing will happen to noor, the somali community would be offended so the spineless jellyfish in mn will look the other way)

  2. The Sound Baboo Heard was a Pre-Programmed Message From Allah !
    KILL- KILL Infidels !
    I was Amazed when we Let Satan’s Helpers Come here at All, Now We’re Giving the Monkey’s Guns and Telling Them to Rule over Sane People who Grew Up Here !!!



    Do we REALLY want cops on the street with firearms who are easily startled and are so PTSD that they fear for their lives at every traffic stop? Who is monitoring these people? They should be removed from the force after 5-10 years and put in new recruits who aren’t as easily frightened.

    They DON’T trust the citizens with guns, but we don’t trust the gov’t with them either.

  4. I’d rather see people like Michael Brown and that Obama son Travon startled off the planet instead of a gentle yoga teacher.
    That the rule of Law isn’t being enforced against that Somalian punk is an affront to every white Cop who suffered under Obama during the last 8 years.
    In fact, let’s make a game out of it and call it “startle you to death” and video how many people really get whacked when an assailant is startled.

  5. I see where Noor’s attorney was speculating that Justine Damond was taking some sort of sleeping aid drug at the time of her murder. Now I’m even more confident Noor was strung out on khat; Lefties always resort to projection to deflect their guilt.

  6. I wonder what would happen if the next mayoral campaign featured a candidate that promised to halt any affirmative action hiring programs for municiple government positions as well as indicating that only the best qualified candidates will be hired to ensure the best protection for all the citizens of the city. The citizens on the left might just hold their nose and vote for a condidate like this then lie about it to their pals.

  7. The subhuman moslem cop had his dignity insulted by the undress of the Australian woman and murdered her to restore his honor. This was an honor killing plain and simple. It is a feature of mentally challenged moslems. Giving them guns and badges is the feature of feckless mentally challenged progressive vermin SJW types.

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