‘Strongest’ polling for Trump in 22 months – IOTW Report

‘Strongest’ polling for Trump in 22 months

WaEx: Despite the thumping Republicans took in the midterm congressional elections, President Trump’s popularity is gaining strength as are expectations for 2019, according to a new survey.

For the first time since February 2017, Trump’s “disapproval rating” has dropped to below 50 percent, a significant achievement considering the recent GOP elections and wildly swinging stock market.

The Emerson College Poll, provided to Secrets, found that Trump’s disapproval rating is at 47 percent, “below 50 percent for the first time this year.”

His approval rating is 43 percent.

“These are his strongest job numbers for the president in an Emerson Poll since February 2017, when Trump had a 48 percent approval/47 percent disapproval,” said the analysis of the Dec. 6-9 survey of 800 Americans.

It also found the nation in a positive mood.

Emerson said that 47 percent expect 2019 to be better than 2018. Some 30 percent said it will be worse.  more here

6 Comments on ‘Strongest’ polling for Trump in 22 months

  1. Still waiting on him to end birthright citizenship… the clock is ticking. Dems just have to run out the clock until the demographic shift takes place in Texas and its game over. If Republicans don’t act quickly, Texas goes blue no later than 2028. Immigration Moratorium. Illegals are bad but Legal immigrants are far worse.

  2. Polls are crap. They make the American people seem as fickle as teenagers. It’s all about the sample, how the questions are loaded for a desired outcome for the pollster.

    Nothing about my feelings have changed in 30 years on the important issues. I suspect that is true of most here.

  3. If anything, polls are a measure of how effective leftist media is at destroying their recent targets and mainstream American values.

    Fortunately, we have a President who disrupts their narrative on a daily basis. Leftists are failing even though they are effective at causing a mass migration from their principal strongholds to more citizen friendly locales. So they are changing political dynamics of red states.


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