Strzok Email – Hillary Clinton Apologized to FBI Over Emails – But Apology Was ‘Not In’ FBI 302 Documenting Her Interview – IOTW Report

Strzok Email – Hillary Clinton Apologized to FBI Over Emails – But Apology Was ‘Not In’ FBI 302 Documenting Her Interview

Judicial Watch:

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it received 191 pages of emails between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page which include an August 26, 2016, email in which Strzok says that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in her interview with the FBI about her email controversy apologized for “the work and effort” it caused the bureau and saying she chose to use it “out of convenience” and that “it proved to be anything but.”

Strzok said Clinton’s apology and the “convenience” discussion were “not in” the FBI 302 report which summarized the interview.

The emails also suggest that Strzok had information on an intelligence briefing for then-candidate Trump.

The emails are the latest production from a January 2018 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed after the DOJ failed to respond to a December 2017 request for all communications between Strzok and Page (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-00154)).

The FBI is only processing the records at a rate of 500 pages per month and has refused to process text messages. At this rate, the production of these communications won’t be completed until late 2021.

The new records include an August 26, 2016, email from CNN’s Even Perez to Michael Kortan, the FBI’s assistant director for public affairs, saying: “Do you know if Gowdy is right that the FBI didn’t ask Clinton about her intent? And is that weird?”

Kortan forwards the email to Strzok, saying, “The question of the day …”

Strzok replies to Kortan, “I know, I was getting increasingly irritated at Gowdy last night. I don’t know the basis for him saying that. We certainly asked her. She said she did it for convenience, because she wanted one system for email. We also asked those close to her – Abedin and Mills specifically – who said the same thing.

“[Redacted] but we can find the references in the 302 which discuss it.

“Though not in the 302, at the end of the interview she apologized for the work and effort it created for the FBI. She said words to the effect of, I’m sorry this has caused so much work and expenditure of resources by the FBI. I chose to use my own server out of convenience; it proved to be anything but.”

Strzok forwarded the exchange to Page, saying, “Need to nip this in the bud.” KEEP READING

12 Comments on Strzok Email – Hillary Clinton Apologized to FBI Over Emails – But Apology Was ‘Not In’ FBI 302 Documenting Her Interview

  1. I wonder how long it might take for Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch to publicly announce that they give up, and say that no matter how much evidence we uncover, NOBODY in law enforcement gives a damn. We believe the US government too corrupt to fix. See ya later, suckers!

  2. Apparently Strzok and Page were aware that Clinton was selling Classified Materials to those who “paid to play” and linking the e-mail server to foreign agents who had “donated” to the Foundation, thus securing a password.
    Clinton, Abedin, and Mills all told the same lie – choosing to forget that Obola had approved the foreign access available server PRIOR to Clinton taking the job – thus “convenience” was never an issue.
    And – how could it be more “convenient” to hire people surreptitiously and set up a shit-house server than use the ones already in operation in the State Dept?

    The fuckin idiots at the FBI had no “spidey sense” tingling? Huh? Couldn’t smell the bullshit?
    I doubt it.
    Complicity in Treason is more easily believable than agency-wide incompetence.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I wonder why this guy never gave Pig H. Weinstein a BJ in order to get a starring part in the horror movie ‘The Evil Demon’? he is a natural Night of the Living Dead zombie! No makeup or acting lessons required!

  4. Wow. 27 months to get these emails, and “ At this rate, the production of these communications won’t be completed until late 2021.”. So, past the statute of limitations to prosecute any of these traitors, right?


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