Strzok/Page Texts Show Concern With ‘Security/Monitoring Issues’ – IOTW Report

Strzok/Page Texts Show Concern With ‘Security/Monitoring Issues’

Daily Caller: Text messages exchanged between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page show the two FBI officials discussing “security/monitoring” issues with FBI-issued cell phones, according to a letter sent Wednesday to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

“These phones suck as much as they do because of the program we use to capture texts, full stop,” Page, an FBI lawyer, said in an Aug. 2016 text message highlighted by Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

In a letter to Rosenstein, Johnson signaled that he is expanding an investigation into current and former FBI officials’ use of non-government phones and email accounts.

Johnson asked Rosenstein in his letter to provide text messages and emails for 16 current and former FBI officials, including Strzok, Page, former FBI Director James Comey, former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former general counsel James Baker, former chief of staff James Rybicki, and several officials in the counterintelligence division and technology division.

Johnson’s investigation is running parallel to one being conducted by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

Horowitz uncovered texts between Strzok and Page showing that they frequently expressed anti-Trump and pro-Clinton bias while working on both the Russia investigation and Hillary Clinton email probe.  more here

6 Comments on Strzok/Page Texts Show Concern With ‘Security/Monitoring Issues’

  1. Government bureaucrats bury the private sector in rules about how to do every little thing.

    ZERO tolerance for that same bureaucratic ruling class not following those that apply to them. Zero. None. Hold them accountable. All of them. Drain the Swamp!

  2. What is more disturbing: That high level officials within the FBI actively subvert justice or that high level officials within the FBI are bubble-headed gossiping bitches? Neither inspire confidence.

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