Strzok texts: Chelsea Clinton has “a HORRIBLE billy goat speech tic” – IOTW Report

Strzok texts: Chelsea Clinton has “a HORRIBLE billy goat speech tic”

Daily Caller:  Strzok Savaged Chelsea Clinton In Texts.

The recently released batch of text message exchanges between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reveal the partisan FBI agents criticized Chelsea Clinton in harsh and personal terms.

Strzok, who was removed from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation for sending anti-Trump texts, criticized Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Committee convention in late July.

“Chelsea was awful. Tried to do Bills up close sharing. Didn’t come across as genuine. Plus, she has a HORRIBLE billv goat speech tic,” Strzok wrote in a text to Page — his mistress and FBI colleague on the investigation at the time.

The insulting characterization of Chelsea’s appearance was not the only time Strzok targeted Chelsea; two days prior to her speech he explained to Page that he didn’t “like” Chelsea because he felt she was “self entitled” and “feels she deserves something she hasn’t earned.”

27 Comments on Strzok texts: Chelsea Clinton has “a HORRIBLE billy goat speech tic”

  1. “… he didn’t “like” Chelsea because he felt she was “self entitled” and “feels she deserves something she hasn’t earned.” ”

    Yet willing to move mountains in support of Hillary about whom the best things you could say are that she is self entitled and feels she deserves something she hasn’t earned. Think of the irony.

  2. Heretic!

    He obviously didn’t get his memo vis-a-vis Chelsea Clinton and the proper obsequiousness. I believe one is supposed to bow the head while touching the right hand to the heart, and proclaim what extravagant beauty she possesses.

    This will outrage the Clinton Personality Cultists (and other socialist/totalitarian/nihilistic adherents to dictatorship) far more than his treasons.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. All these texts demonstrate what we’ve already known about liberals in charge – they have disdain for everyday Americans, they think they know best how the country should be run and no one had any love and adoration for Mrs. Clinton. They also weren’t impressed with her candidacy and they hate Chelsea and see her for the spoiled brat she is. And they knew their polls were bogus and there was a good chance she might not win even with all their voting shenanigans (Soros voting machines, illegals voting, mass cheating in liberal cities) and they needed a back-up plan.

  4. @Redgrandma:

    Imagine someone who is incredibly nervous about public speaking or on the verge of crying. Their voice starts to quiver and tremble. Now imagine that’s the way a person speaks all the time. THAT’s Billy Goat Speech Tic.

    The only thing more grating is Female Gravel Voice (think Joy Behar or Rachel Ray).

  5. What should we expect? The Union of the baphomet goat + Web Hubbell = Reared by Bill + Hill = Chelsea the hillbilly Juda’s goat. Expensive Plastic surgery has proven woefully unsuccessful for this masquerade of another DNC parasite feeding off of the weak, the sensile and the infirm.

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