Stuart Varney: Don’t ‘Learn to Live with Terror,’ ‘Learn How to Beat It’ – IOTW Report

Stuart Varney: Don’t ‘Learn to Live with Terror,’ ‘Learn How to Beat It’

“The world over, elites will not face up to Islamic terror. ‘Get used to it they say,’” Varney said.

“Quit the pandering. The world should not learn to live with terror. We should learn how to beat it…”


6 Comments on Stuart Varney: Don’t ‘Learn to Live with Terror,’ ‘Learn How to Beat It’

  1. “We can absorb a terrorist attack. We’ll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever . . . we absorbed it and we are stronger.”–B. Hussein O.

    Tell it to the dead and disabled, asshole. I hope that when your time comes, it’s at the hand of a muslim.

  2. I’ve lived in my neck of the woods since 1999. Just recently I’ve begun to see more and more of the goofy looking black people. You know the ones, they’re not like your typical well fed ghetto-groid with big lips. These ones look like they’ve been starved a bit, real dark and lanky, their heads are elongated and they have beards.

    I’m thinking it’s time to move, that’s how I deal with an influx of terrorists!

  3. I’ll never learn to live with terrorism, but I could just possibly learn to live with a couple of terrorist-enabling politicians being dragged out and hung from lamp posts every time a terrorist act happens.

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