Student-athlete acquitted of rape says university won’t give him his degree – IOTW Report

Student-athlete acquitted of rape says university won’t give him his degree

CollegeFix: A former University of Alaska Fairbanks hockey player who was charged with and then acquitted of rape claims in a recently filed lawsuit that his university will not hand over his degree.

Allegations lodged by the former student-athlete in the suit, which also seeks $100,000 in damages, paint campus officials as somewhat vindictive in their effort to deny Nolan Youngmun his petroleum engineering bachelor’s degree even though the young man has completed all the requirements for graduation, Alaska Dispatch News reports.

The controversy stems from a school under investigation and under pressure by the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights to do more to prosecute sexual assault complaints.

Youngmun was set to graduate in the spring of 2015 when he was accused of rape by a female peer. He was arrested — and banned from campus — in a case in which he claimed the sex was consensual while she did not. In February of this year, he was cleared of all charges after a trial by jury.  MORE

6 Comments on Student-athlete acquitted of rape says university won’t give him his degree

  1. Jean-Paul Nungesser, the erstwhile Columbia student accused of “raping” mattress girl/perpetual victim/whiner/snowflake/phoney-baloney/poseur Emma Sulkowicz, sued the Universty’s board of trustees. To avoid “bad optics” (“Sulky” was a “visual arts” major), the university settled out of court.

    You’d think these dickheads would have a clue.

  2. With horrific repercussions, the marital act has been denigrated from “making love” to “having sex.” If thought of as “making love,” I doubt it would be such a casual encounter.

    That said, even if the young man had raped an unwilling woman, either acquitted or found guilty, the university shouldn’t have the right to take away his degree. The university shouldn’t even expel a convicted felon, if that felon can attend the required classes, UNLESS the university has on file a signed, by the student, agreed to policy statement BEFORE or DURING the admission process of said student.

    Do universities deny degrees to prisoners who are studying remotely from prison?

  3. How about just learning to keep your pants on until you’re married? It’s not impossible; it’s been done in civilized countries for thousands of years. And see, it’s not sexist; it applies to men and women equally.

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