Student brawl erupts at ‘Barack Obama’ high school in Milwaukee – IOTW Report

Student brawl erupts at ‘Barack Obama’ high school in Milwaukee

obama high school milwaukee

EAG- MILWAUKEE, Wis. – A pregnant girl was rushed to the hospital after she was involved in a melee involving 30 to 40 students at a high school named in honor of President Obama.

Milwaukee police descended on Barack Obama School of Career and Technical Education at about 2:30 p.m. Wednesday after getting calls that students were brawling, the Journal Sentinel reports.

The large number of people fighting included “outsiders,” according to police.

The pregnant girl was transported to the hospital and while en route, she allegedly kicked a paramedic, who is also pregnant, Fox 6 reports.

16 Comments on Student brawl erupts at ‘Barack Obama’ high school in Milwaukee

  1. Rock stole my routine! I’ve always observed that the modern civil rights movement has devolved so far from their original mission that you could now go to any city in America and easily find the most violent place by asking to be taken to Martin Luther King Blvd. What a sad legacy for King, who had it right, and for today’s inner city “community” leadership, which has it dead wrong.

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