Student faces felony after gym class dodgeball game turns violent – IOTW Report

Student faces felony after gym class dodgeball game turns violent

EAG: ELLSWORTH, Wis. – A Wisconsin student faces a felony battery charge after he allegedly broke a classmate’s face during a heated dodgeball game in October.

Ellsworth High School student Jacob Sigler, 18, was charged with a single count of substantial battery last month over a fight with a classmate during a game of dodgeball Oct. 11, InForum reports.

The 16-year-old victim told Ellsworth police he was playing dodgeball during gym class when Sigler and three other students targeted him with several balls. The student said he returned one of the balls at Sigler, who threw several back before he “closed his fist and punched (the victim) in the face,” according to the complaint.

red rubber ball

The students were hauled to the principal’s office after the incident and a CT scan later revealed the victim suffered a facial fracture, the boy’s mother told police. The injured student said he’d had problems with Sigler in the past.

When police confronted Sigler, “he said the preceding dodgeball volleys were ‘a friendly fight, just a competitive game of dodgeball,’” and alleged his classmate was the aggressor, according to the news site.  more

18 Comments on Student faces felony after gym class dodgeball game turns violent

  1. You can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball. (One of the best movie quotes ever)

    Seriously though, when I was in 6th grade, one of our class bullies tried to hit me in the face with a kickball. I blocked it with my arm, it broke my wrist instead.

    I got sent to the principals office for yelling fuck, but by the time I made it down there my arm had swollen to three times its size and that clued them in.

  2. I was a beanpole in HS, I’m 6ft. 1-2 inches and at the time I weighed maybe 150-160 lbs. I was young and fast and quick and I loved playing dodgeball in the gym, they usually couldn’t hit me because I was pretty fast and agile back then. I was also a fairly good runner back then (1970), not quite as good as some of the guys who could run just over 4 minute miles in HS. My best was probably just over 5 minutes and I probably could’ve been better if I had run daily as much as those guys did.

  3. One of life’s tough lessons.
    I remember getting pistol whipped with a Roy Rodgers metal, chrome plated toy pistol at the age of 7 years old. I came home crying, Dad met me at the door. He listened to me, told me I was to deal with it, then locked the door and not to come back until I kicked the kid’s ass. I went back to the kids yard and exacted revenge, until he said, “I give”.

    His Mother came cussing to my Dad, he stood at the door and plainly told her that if her son was going to use a toy pistol to hit kids he should learn how to fight.

    The kid and I became good friends from that point forward.

    I don’t know that the kid in the article is a bully or not.
    I do know bullies are at school, your neighborhood, work and everywhere. Better learn to deal with them effectively. Smashing one’s face into his fist is not an optimal response.

    At some point you have to take a stand, win or lose, at least you gain respect and generally the perpetrator moves on to another easy mark or they have learned a valuable lesson and alters their behavior.

  4. 1914 Commercial

    “Husky bodies and stout nerves depend more often than
    we think on the food eaten. Grape-Nuts made of whole wheat and barley, provides all the nutriment of these rich grains, including all their invaluable mineral phosphates. Grape-Nuts is a capital food for growing youngsters and just as good for grown-ups, as well. Comes ready to eat direct from the package crisp and appetizing. “There’s a Reason” for Grape-Nuts. Sold by Grocers everywhere.”

    2014 Commercial “Purple Grape Flavored Nut Lube Tubes”. Sold by Grocers everywhere.

    Just 100 short years.

  5. I didn’t dislike dodgeball in school but whenever the gym teacher started trying to talk up the pretty substitute or decided to sit in the bleachers to fill out paperwork the game tuned into a mob-like settling of accounts. A lot of bruises and bloody noses and black eyes were the results when the teacher didn’t pay attention. Good game when they were there to police it.

  6. Involving the police and prosecuting students for schoolyard bullying comes from Leftism. The government no longer views itself as our servant but our master. We are no longer citizens but subjects.

  7. As a result, counselors, puppies and organic smoothies have been made available to the rest of the school’s overwhelming number of Special Snowflakes® in order to ease the potential effects of any Dodge Ball Violence Trauma Syndrome (DBVTS). Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives have pointed to this latest outrage to call for tough, new Federal Dodge Ball Regulations.

  8. Back in Scranton, we played “dodge ball” with bowling balls – not them sissy rubber things …….. i used to butte em like a ram! Never did me no harm.

    In fact ….. uhhh .. what was I riting bout?

  9. When I started school, I was a hearty young lass weighing 26 lbs. I rode the school bus with 200+ lbs seniors that were violent white trash. At my school, we had a big ditch beside our newly built elementary school, and we spent every day of free/p.e. time digging it deeper, and got it to the point we could have rock fights while standing up in it. Next to the pit were 6 wooden picnic tables, and we’d take the mounds of pine straw and build bunkers inside of them to hide out. We shoved people off the 6 ft tall metal ladder, before sliding down it in shorts, after it had baked in the 100 degree Alabama sun. We hung upside down from monkey bars, poised over concrete, and swung on swings that would go 4 ft high & had fist sized rocks underneath… everyone got hurt. It was idyllic.

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