BPR: Sen. Bernie Sanders is the favored 2020 Democrat presidential candidate among college students with a 30 percent plurality supporting him, according to College Pulse’s Chegg Election Tracker. But do they still support him after finding out how much he donates to charity?
Tax returns released earlier this year revealed that Sen. Bernie Sanders donates relatively little to charity, despite being a millionaire.
Sanders, who originally refused to release his tax information for a number of years, made $1,073,333 in a single year but gave just $10,600 to charity, totaling less than one percent of his income, according to Business Insider. That’s compared with others who made more than one million dollars during that same year. According to data, they gave an average of 5.6 percent of their income to charity.
Campus Reform New Hampshire Correspondent Ethan Cai went to one of Sanders’ recent campaign events at Dartmouth College to ask students to guess how much they thought he donated.
Seventy-five percent, thirty-five percent, twenty percent, and seven percent of his total income were among some of the estimates.
What did they say when they found out the actual amount?
Leftists only give away other people’s money. Sanders is corrupt bullshit anyway.
When the Dumocrat are promising free heath care, someone should ask each candidate, “how much more are you expecting to pay in taxes each year?”
The honest answers would be, none I already have my money hidden, or I’ll write a loophole for that.
Should close the colleges and universities down. Colossal waste of time.
Socialists don’t believe in charity. Charities divert resources from the State.
Athiest Socialist/Communists like Bernie think THEY are the charity that doles out other people’s money. Thou shalt have no other Gods before thee!
Bernie’s part of the “Do as I say, not as I do” crowd. In fact, nearly all Democrats are.
You can bet Bernie wouldn’t have given anything at all if he could get away with it, he only gave what he did for appearances.
Check his cheritable donations and see if he claims his musky and smudged underwear like the Clinton’s. {Imagine what those are like!}
@Antidote October 17, 2019 at 2:57 am
> Should close the colleges and universities down. Colossal waste of time.
Sitting on the couch, watching “Gilligan’s Island” reruns, playing solitaire, is a colossal waste of time.
Having someone buy you a title, is like sitting on the couch, snorting heroin, and watching kiddie porn.
Dumbfounding students should be a lot harder than this.
Most Commies are cheap bastards, unless it’s someone else’s money.
Then they’re extravagant bastards.
Because he is a
Committed to destroying Christianity. 2000 year old battle and we don’t even know it’s happening.
The old saying give until it hurts did not apply to the Mad Hatter Bernie, If so he would have stopped at one dollar! Imagine the excruciating pain he felt giving 10,600 of his ill gotten dollars!
Should have mentioned the average middle income per cent donation is more than twice what he gave.
30% of college students supporting Bernie and socialism, is the more important revelation in this story.
The canary in the mine warning in the future they will support, maybe successfully elect to the presidency another socialist like Bernie after Bernie kicks the bucket. And the percentage approving socialism among college students may grow. A certain indicator of how wrong our colleges have become, and how urgently they need revision with common sense and true history.