Students for Life of America violently assaulted during counter-protests at Rally for Abortion Justice events – IOTW Report

Students for Life of America violently assaulted during counter-protests at Rally for Abortion Justice events

WASHINGTON, D.C.- According to reports, counter protesters, including Students for Life of America (SFLA), showed up to the Women’s March “Rally for Abortion Justice” and were met with violence and assault. 

The rally was held in D.C. and several other cities across the country.

SFLA members and supporters attended the events in 24 different cities nationwide to “supply a much-needed pro-life voice.” On their website, SFLA shared several incidents where their counter-protests were met with violence:

“In many cities, our counter-protests went as planned. But, it wasn’t the case across the board as our team returned with some very intense stories of violence suffered at the hands of Women’s Marchers.”

One such example of violence was committed against Brei Brooke, SFLA’s west coast regional manager, who is also eight months pregnant. SFLA’s website added:

“Sadly, Denver took the prize for most violent abortion supporters as a posse of them shoved 5-6 Students for Life members to the ground. One of them, Brei Brooke, is eight months pregnant. The abortion supporters laughed as they did it.” more

10 Comments on Students for Life of America violently assaulted during counter-protests at Rally for Abortion Justice events

  1. “One such example of violence was committed against Brei Brooke… who is also eight months pregnant.”

    Way to trigger the baby killers, Brei! Walking around all pregnant! Geesh!

  2. I hope the counter pro-life protestors gave a good accounting of themselves as they were attacked.

  3. Amazon has any number of inexpensive spy cameras that unobtrusively take excellent sound and video, independent of your cell phone.

    I would attach one each on my front and back and record. That way your hands are free to defend yourself, your cell phone is safe tucked away inside your clothing, and your camera records the cowardly Libtard fascist who attacks you from behind. Win win.


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