Students in Los Angeles will be required to get COVID vaccine before returning to school – IOTW Report

Students in Los Angeles will be required to get COVID vaccine before returning to school

Blaze: The Los Angeles Unified School District has announced that students will be required to show proof that they have received a vaccine for the novel coronavirus before returning to in-person learning, according to a report from Fox News. According to District Superintendent Austin Beutner, parents who have concerns about the safety of the vaccine will be required to keep their children in remote learning, presumably indefinitely.

Beutner’s comments, as first reported in the Los Angeles Times, caused concern in light of the fact that neither of the currently approved vaccines for the coronavirus have been tested for use in teenagers, much less small children. Additionally, school-aged children are likely to be the last in line to receive the vaccine, since children generally have far milder symptoms and are much less likely to experience serious complications from COVID-19 than adults. read more

15 Comments on Students in Los Angeles will be required to get COVID vaccine before returning to school

  1. Found this out on the internet. Keep in mind – I’m not a lawyer.
    Ask the doctor, “Does the vaccine have MRC-5 in it? (they all do)
    These are aborted fetal cells and other DNA.
    If the vaccine contains MRC-5 you have the RIGHT to decline.

  2. …and just a couple of years ago y’all were laughing at anti-vaxxers who wanted to send their kids to school without a measles or other vaccine for reasons of their own, and everyone seemed to think it was OK for the State to force the issue THEN…

    …not saying I’m in favor of a forced, untested, possibly mutanagenic or tetrogenic drug that may sterilize kids, give them cancer, or mutate their children even many years from now like Thallidomide that has had ZERO long-term studies for danger or efficacy and doesn’t even appear to stop the virus though it HAS killed a lot of people with anaphalactic reactions, BUT I’m just saying that there’s no intellectual or legal consistency in saying the State can force SOME drugs on our children as a price of admission to make us all “feel” safer but CAN’T force OTHER drugs on our children as a price of admission, so you kind of need to come down on one side of the fence and say the State CAN’T force people to vaccinate their kids for “our safety” or say the State CAN force whatever they please on people’s kids for “our safety”, because rational objections can be made to ANY manditory vaccine so it’s kind of an all-or-nothing deal, legally speaking, or so it would seem to not-lawyer me…

  3. Poor kids. It’s bad enough their parents voted in utter lunatics on local, state and federal levels – no they’re getting a time bomb inserted in their body.

    This was an act of war by china, facilitated by the left here. We need to get the fuck out of our former coutry, because we’ll be maarkwd for death if we stay.

  4. Oh, man, like THAT’S not gonna fuel the exodus from California.

    DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE. DO NOT MAKE YOURSELF A HUMAN TEST SUBJECT. Honest to God, it’s like everyone has forgotten or never heard of Thalydamide or the Zika virus.

  5. I’m sure someone other than me remembers having to show proof of MMR vaccinations to attend public schools in the 60’s. I don’t really see how this is different, unless you’re trying to say Covid-1984 doesn’t exist. No, the virus is real, and it can be deadly to <0.03% of the people who contract it. Of course, they didn't use mumps, measles, or rubella to steal an election, either.

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