Students mock woke identity survey by submitting sarcastic responses — Oregon State University researchers blame ‘rise of online fascism’ – IOTW Report

Students mock woke identity survey by submitting sarcastic responses — Oregon State University researchers blame ‘rise of online fascism’


A team of researchers at Oregon State University blamed the “rise of online fascism” for students’ sarcastic and mocking responses to their woke identity survey, according to a June paper published in the Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies.

The researchers’ paper, “Attack Helicopters and White Supremacy: Interpreting Malicious Responses to an Online Questionnaire about Transgender Undergraduate Engineering and Computer Science Student Experiences,” accused the students of “tamper[ing] with the study outcomes and/or harass[ing] the researchers” by submitting responses that allegedly included “slurs, hate speech, or direct targeting of the research team.”

“The responses contained homophobic, transphobic, ableist, anti-Black, antisemitic, and anti-Indigenous content. Online memes associated with white nationalist and fascist movements were present throughout the data, alongside memes and content referencing gaming and ‘nerd’ culture,” the paper stated.

Researchers aimed to “better understand how these responses relate to engineering culture by framing them within larger social contexts—namely, the rise of online fascism.” more

22 Comments on Students mock woke identity survey by submitting sarcastic responses — Oregon State University researchers blame ‘rise of online fascism’

  1. “Interpreting Malicious Responses to an Online Questionnaire about Transgender Undergraduate Engineering and Computer Science Student Experiences”.
    Result = truth been told.

  2. I’m not sure what online fascism is – is that similar to ceramic swimming or quantum poetry? And since these are supposedly researchers, do they have evidence and data correlating clearly sarcastic and non-sensical responses to online fascism or white supremacy? Also, the researcher who was traumatized by these results probably leads a pretty miserable life anyway.

    I guess this is scoince in the modern university.

  3. “Applied Gender Studies”. These are the kids who didn’t have the SATs to get into STEM majors and have already washed out of online film school. It’s probably the first time in their lives they’ve been seriously mocked by anybody.

  4. no … not the nerd culture!
    we’re doomed … we’re all doomed
    whodathunk this would’ve happened in liberal loony Oregon
    those students should get extra credit

  5. “rise of online fascism”

    I.E., from companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Right?

    Oh, that’s NOT what they meant? Then they must be part of the “rise of online idiots.”

  6. The fart smelling cognoscenti can’t smell anything over their own favorite aroma. They’re so convinced their ideas are the only right ones that obvious mockery of frivolous and destructive theories of human interaction is explained as fascism.

    Better grab another lunch or chili eggs and beer and a bigger brandy snifter, reality’s trying, feebly, to intrude. More, young fellows, more, make some heads explode.

  7. They are not entirely wrong.

    When people are constantly oppressed and don’t believe they have any hope of release, they will be receptive to a strong man who says he can end their oppression, and not worry about what methods he may use to end it on their behalf.

    See Weimar Germany and the Treaty of Versailles for further details.

    …for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    As true in politics as it is in physics, but the reaction in politics tends to be cumulative and very much worse the longer it is supressed.

    See the entirety of human history for further details.

    …we all know HOW this ends. The only question is WHEN…

  8. There is a huge difference in the mindset between University of Oregon and Oregon State University! I’m sure the freaks would have gotten the response they were looking for if they’d done their survey in Eugene!

  9. @Wylie1:

    STOP federal funding for colleges, except for STEM.

    Kindly please show me where in the Constitution you found authorization for Congress to spend money on education. It for sure isn’t in Art. 1 Sec. 8.

  10. Some years ago, my niece was in college. Her summer job was tabulating a survey response. If I recall correctly, it was a farmers servey. She said that there were lots written comments and some were funny. However, the survey only wanted a checked response (yes, no, agree, disagree, ect).

    She said that no one else saw those comments. Just her, a college student trying to make a few bucks as a summer job and she didn’t have a dog in the fight.

    I seldom do surveys and I don’t put commments on them when I do respond.


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