Students Rejoice As Arizona Mandates More Recess – IOTW Report

Students Rejoice As Arizona Mandates More Recess

KFI: Arizona lawmakers are making students very happy with a new bill that was signed into law by Governor Doug DuceyThe new bill mandates that all public and charter schools in the state set aside two periods per day for recess. The law applies students in kindergarten through third grade in 2018. In 2019, the law will grant the extra recess to students in grades four and five.

Legislators have been trying to pass the recess mandate for at least a decade. They met stiff resistance from people who claimed that any time spent outside the classroom would hurt students academic performance.

Many experts believe that recess is important, especially for younger students. Even spending just five minutes letting loose can boost productivity in the classroom.  read more

11 Comments on Students Rejoice As Arizona Mandates More Recess

  1. It’s been a long, long time but I recall three recesses in grade school, one mid-morning, one after lunch, and one mid-afternoon. I don’t remember how long the morning and afternoon ones were, but long enough to play a few rounds of tether ball or four square. Kids’ bodies need physical activity like they need air. Glad to see some common sense in AZ.

  2. I would mandate fifty/fifty time in class and recess from classwork
    Half of recess would be helping out around school, learning simple maintenance and upkeep of the grounds.
    They do this in Japan and the school vandalism is almost non existent. And I bet there isn’t a giant sense of entitlement.
    I would go further and eliminate most of the grassy areas and plant gardens and teach the children to be responsible for them.

  3. Seems like the ‘children’ have to go to school far less than they ever did in the past, the school days are shorter and now they need even more free time?! To do what?! Isn’t that what after and before school is for. And adults get breaks at work. Outside of my first hourly jobs I had in college I’ve never had a ‘job’ where I took breaks at regular intervals dictated by my boss. The only people taking breaks are smokers that spend half the day outside.

  4. public schools
    where modern children learn all their modern social skills.
    drug use
    gender identification
    common core math
    whole word reading
    gang lore
    sex education

  5. I’d suspect this is a good idea or at least one worth trying with the following provisos. All electronic devices from iPod, to cellphones, to iPad or any type of game/entertainment system is left indoors and the teachers have to help organize sports both competitive and non-competitive to be played during these recesses. Get these kids to relate to physical activity at a young enough age and follow through for ten years and it will stay with them for life.

  6. The elementary school is close to our home and we can hear the children at play during recess here in a Phx suburb. If you could see them – running, jumping, throwing balls, climbing on monkey bars, …it just is so nice. Kids aren’t made to sit for hours, they need to run and shout out loud.
    There seems to be two or three adults out there with them, so if there is a problem, help is nearby.


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