Study: 110,000 Californians Bought Guns During Pandemic; Fear of ‘Lawlessness’ Most Common Reason – IOTW Report

Study: 110,000 Californians Bought Guns During Pandemic; Fear of ‘Lawlessness’ Most Common Reason


A new study reveals that 110,000 Californians bought guns during the coronavirus pandemic, 43% for the first time — and the most common reason given was fear of “lawlessness.”

The study, carried out by the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California Davis, casts firearm purchases as a response to the “pandemic,” and concludes that COVID-19 “exacerbated persistent structural, economic, and social inequities in the conditions that contribute to violence and its consequences.”

The study reveals that 43% of the people who purchased firearms during the pandemic were first-time gun owners. The authors conclude that this reflects underlying inequalities in society — that “the coronavirus pandemic and efforts to lessen its spread have compounded the burden of violence-related harms.”

However, the authors appear to overlook another explanation — namely, the fact that violent riots were going on in California and the rest of the country during the period in which its online survey of 2,870 adults was taking place, July 14 to 27.

In the months since the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 48 of America’s largest 50 cities have been affected by riots.

The study found:

The most common reason given for firearm acquisition in response to the pandemic was worry about lawlessness (75.9%; 95% CI: 27.6-96.3), followed by worry about prisoner releases (56.1; 95% CI: 22.0-85.3), the government going too far (49.2%; 95% CI: 17.7-81.3), government collapse (38.0%; 95% CI: 12.2-73.0), and gun stores closing (31.1%; 95% CI: 9.7- 65.4) … Reasons for ammunition purchases in response to the pandemic were similar.

The study does not mention riots. It does, however, mention “protests for racial justice and police accountability,” blaming police and “white supremacists” for any violence: more here

20 Comments on Study: 110,000 Californians Bought Guns During Pandemic; Fear of ‘Lawlessness’ Most Common Reason

  1. That number sounds WAAAAAAAAY low. You can’t find a Glock in stock any where. The gun stores notify everyone when they have a few showing up and they are immediately sold. Not just Glocks, any pistol and most revolvers. Do the math on how many gun stores there are in California and how often they roll over their inventory, and consider how many guns they usually stock. Sportsmans Warehouse is out of handguns except for single action pistols. Same with Bass Pro Shops, Turner Outdoors. That’s one hell of a lot of guns. And tactical rifles are now impossible to get. That 110,000 sounds like a weeks worth of gun purchasers.

  2. “Interesting”! Academia NEVER fails to live down to my personal, experience based expectations. Perhaps if we’re ever lucky enough to rid the “news media” of brainless idiots and enemies of the Republic, we can turn our attention to at least parts of academia.

  3. Talking about neighborhood invasion with one of my neighbors last week. He has an entire arsenal of multiple guns and rifles. I told him if the shit goes down, he can count on me. Luckily, I live smack dab in between two he-man households who would see a progtard invasion as a kick-ass party.

  4. *ring, ring*


    Good evening sir/madam. This is Skyler with the Violence Prevention Research Program at the University of California Davis. Sorry to bother you at dinner, but have you purchased a gun during the pandemic?


    That’s a no, thanks for your time.

  5. Ammunition is more of a problem than guns in most places.

    People that didn’t put away enough since the last shortage let up may find themselves with little or no opportunity to do so ever again.

    FWIW and IMO, if you don’t already have a sufficient stock of toilet paper and ramen noodles and such put away by now, you may want to consider getting it before the elections or you may find yourself in the same situation as ammunition is now.

    OTOH, this is the United States and nothing bad can ever happen here since our government won’t let it.

  6. Maybe if certain elements of society would quit shoplifting and burning their neighborhoods down there would not be as much persistent structural, economic, and social inequities.

  7. I agree with Brad on the numbers. Can’t buy reloading equipment, it’s been bought up. Gun stores have very few guns. I told my son a long time ago – during Y2K, that someday ammo would be the next gold to have in your stash. I use to think maybe a revolution, now I firmly believe it is going to happen after the election, it’s starting to gear up now, the true patriots have had enough. We are there. Woes to anyone who is a politician, reporter, or an employee with Fakebook or Twatter. There’s going to be hell to pay!


  8. Of the 47,300 “new” gun owners, probably 98% will still vote for democrat politicians dedicated to taking their guns away.
    And yeah, the numbers in the study are way too low.

  9. Goldenfoxx

    I’ve been looking for a Commander sized 1911 and remembered what an awesome selection of used 1911’s Huntington’s use to have. They had several counters full of used handguns. (you can’t find a new one). So I called them. No used pistols except for Single Action Revolvers. Unbelievable.

  10. Agree with Tony R. If the stupid Democrats would stop voting for the Left, their firearms would be secure. Instead, they will be at risk of the lawless politicians stripping them of their self defense tools.

    For me, show up on my street to riot and display a Molotov Cocktail and it will end badly.

  11. Private (non-traceable Firearm sales are way up nationwide.

    Here in GA. most of the Wally World Ammo cases are out of pistol and common rifle ammo. 12ga. 0/0 and etc… But there is plenty of inexpensive bird shot still on the shelves. Some of the more creative types around here have taken to buying the bird shot and emptying out the tiny shot. Then replacing it with more lethal items like: short nails, glass beads and egg shape fishing weights with 6″ of metal wire to make bolas round. Sure they are only 50+/- Ft rounds, but they are real crowd pleasers ☺ ☻.


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