Study: Africa’s Green Energy Transition “Unlikely” – IOTW Report

Study: Africa’s Green Energy Transition “Unlikely”


Guest essay by Eric Worrall

The planned construction of 2,500 new power plants, most of them fossil fuel, has dashed hopes that Africa would leapfrog the developed world’s reliance on fossil fuels by going straight to renewable energy.

Climate change: Africa’s green energy transition ‘unlikely’ this decade

Matt McGrath – Environment correspondent
Tue, 12 January 2021, 2:03 am AEST

Fossil fuels are set to remain the dominant source of electricity across Africa over the next decade, according to a new study.

Researchers found that around 2,500 power plants are planned, enough to double electricity production by 2030. 

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7 Comments on Study: Africa’s Green Energy Transition “Unlikely”

  1. …just stop it.

    This is bad writing from the headline on.

    “Africa” is NOT a homogonous “Thing”. There IS no “United States of Africa” (sorry Uhura), no Union of Soviet Socialist Republic of Africa, no tie that binds ANY of it because East is different from West, North is different from South, and Central is different from all the rest by language, culture, race, religion, tribe, etc., etc, usw., and is ALWAYS improperly spoken about by saying that “Africa” is this or “Africa” is that, because THEY ARE NOT ONE THING.

    …while I realize that Democrats have taught that most of the people are the same there because they all look the same TO THEM, this is in no way true even if many of the folks below the desert belt have a similiar hue, they do NOT all look or act the same, and they are quite capable of genocidal atrocities against other similiary colored people despite all “being Africans” as the Hutus and Tutsis could tell you if Democrats didn’t consider discussions of “Black on Black” violence to be racist even when it’s about other countries.

    And they are just ONE of the more egrgeous examples, and NOT the only color people come in there.

    I know they all hate the putty-colored folks, but there are also folks swarthier than that but NOT ebony in the North that were pretty well known for selling the folks in the South to the putty-colored people from America almost 200 years ago, but just losing that market by no means shut them down, and they, Fellow Africans, still sell the Black folk into slavery to this day, just in a more Easterly direction. Most of the White people are found in the South and are pretty close to being genocided, but they DO still exist, and P.W. Botha, were he to move to America, would have just as much geographical right to call himself an “African American” as Winne Mandela would, because THEY ARE BOTH AFRICANS.

    …and actual Americans who claim African descent seem a little confused on the point too, since they all love Swahili and Kwanzaa trades heavily on it, but Swahili is an EAST African language and such American Blacks as could claim slave ancestry would have been taken from WEST Africa where it wasn’t really a “Thing”, and neither was the Dashiki or Islam, which ALSO wasn’t really a “thing” during the American slave trade years.

    …I gotta stop somewhere, so I’ll stop there, but there’s SO much just utter nonsense that Democrats pushed for DECADES and KEEP pushing that’s meant to be misleading about both Africa to make it more positive and America to make it more negative, that I just couldn’t let an article telling me about what “AFRICA” was up to without saying SOMETHING about it.

    Rant over, enjoy the rest of the discussion about “Africa”, whatever the hell THAT is decided to be, this week, anyway…

  2. I think it was an episode of Penn & Teller’s “BULLSH*T” where they pointed out the fallacy of trying to force developing African nations to go Green. One of the Africans responded that you can’t build or operate an iron smelter with just solar panels or windmills — to build modern infrastructure and industry, you have to have something cheaper and more reliable, like coal, oil, and gas.


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