Study: climate skeptics are winning the public opinion war – IOTW Report

Study: climate skeptics are winning the public opinion war

climate change


Climate-change foes winning public opinion war

EAST LANSING, Mich. — As world leaders meet this week and next at a historic climate change summit in Paris, a new study by Michigan State University environmental scientists suggests opponents of climate change appear to be winning the war of words.


The research, funded by the National Science Foundation, finds that climate-change advocates are largely failing to influence public opinion. Climate-change foes, on the other hand, are successfully changing people’s minds — Republicans and Democrats alike — with messages denying the existence of global warming.

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9 Comments on Study: climate skeptics are winning the public opinion war

  1. Participants were shown positive messages that said if you’re not taxed to the grave the climate will kill you.

    They were also shown a negative message that said climate won’t kill you so taxing you won’t change the climate.

    Did the author perhaps confuse negative with positive?

  2. The leftists cannot even be honest in their description of those who question them – we are sceptics, not deniers. But what does one expect from a group whose theory of “global warming” turned out to be unsupported by actual data, and had to change their focus to “climate change.”

    Actually, when it comes to climate change, even sceptics admit that the climate is changing – as it has been continually changing for about 4 billion years. But when it comes to the pertinent questions and issues – such as what is the influence of humans on the climate, or what actions can actually retard climate change, or if climate change is even bad – the leftists have no answers.

    The only honest assessment I have read regarding climate change in the past several months came from someone who admitted that there were no real answers to these questions, but advocated “doing something” just in case. Of course, “doing something” entails destroying civilization as we know it, but what the hell – it’s something.

    These global warming folks have little or no credibility left. They claim the ice caps are melting, but there are studies showing they are increasing in mass. They claim hurricanes are more frequent and of greater intensity, but other historical data seems to indicate that is not so. Mann’s “hockey stick” graph has been shown to be ridiculous, and other studies have been debunked. Some researchers refuse to release data, other researchers have apparently fudged the data, and instead of encouraging healthy debate on the subject, the leftists answer is, as is typical, to demand that dissent be silenced.

  3. Catching the Globull Warming proponents falsifying their data multiple times probably isn’t hurting.

    Then there are all the false projections made two decades ago that didn’t happen.

    The growing Antarctic ice sheet is not helping their case, either.

    Of course, you also need to take into account the horrible character of the people pushing Globull Warming. These are people you shouldn’t buy used cars from.

    Globull Warming was, is, a bullshit excuse to justify a tax on all economic activity, forever. The con men pushing this scam stand to personally benefit from pulling it off. It’s all about stealing from everyone else on the planet to enrich themselves while undermining their political enemies.

  4. The idiot mayor of Seattle posted on Twitter from Climate Cult convention in Paris, “Looking forward to a carbon free future…”

    What a fucking idiot… We’re a carbon based life form. All life we know of here on Earth is carbon based.

  5. The headline should read “Average shmoes not falling for schemers climate lie”

    The thieving leftists have targeted and demonized Wall St and the NY Stock Exchange. They cant steal it so they want to make their own. Its called Algors Chicago Carbon Credit Exchange. That is why that fat punk is hell fucking bent on this lie.

    This RICO operation would skim trillions of dollars off of every single transaction that passes through it. They would be mandatory exchanges of credits for cash so that business could continue to operate.

    This is the grandest extortion scheme ever concocted in the history of mankind. Thats why Putin and india laugh at odinga and Algor, they know the scheme.

    I pray for Algor to be stricken with a very painful, tortorous ailment that makes him die a very painful death. He deserves it. In fact, if shitbag allah or mohammud the pedophile can make that happen soon i will buy a dog shit stained door mat prayer rug for an indigent pipe bomb maker.

  6. Reality does trump (Trump…hehehehehe) made-up, paid-for, “science”. It’s hard to bullsh!t a guy shoveling ass-deep snow in November that the fu*kin’ planet is burning up.

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