CNS: Children born to unmarried, cohabiting parents—both in the United States and across Europe—are nearly twice as likely to see their parents split up, compared to children born to married parents.
A new study from the Institute for Family Studies and Social Trends Institute examines family stability among cohabiting and married-parent families from numerous countries across the world. The findings provide evidence against some common myths about cohabitation and children’s family stability.
One of these myths claims that cohabitation is less stable than marriage simply because low-income individuals are more likely to choose to cohabit. However, researchers find that in the majority of countries studied, cohabitation is less stable even among the highly educated.
The authors note, “In the overwhelming majority of countries, the most educated cohabiting parents still have a far higher rate of break-up than the lowest educated married couples.”
For example, in the United States, 49 percent of children born to highly-educated cohabiting mothers experienced at least one union disruption by age 12, compared to just 26 percent of children born to lower-educated married mothers. In the United Kingdom, the percentages are 53 percent and 39 percent, respectively. MORE
It took a study to figure this out?? Divorces are EXPENSIVE! That’s why you will put up with a lot more crap before calling it quits. In a divorce your wife gets half of everything you own and your lawyer gets the other half and then there’s paying for another place to live while still paying child support for 20 years and possibly alimony forever.
What are the rates for marriages when the wives do not take their husband’s names?
I’m going to steal this, and then give you the rest in a link.
Ephesians 5:25: “For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her.” Genesis 2:24: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”
Notice the end: “…become one flesh.” How does that happen? It’s a spiritual commitment sacrificing one’s life for another–your life is no longer your own. This “union” is then made physical, but not necessarily, when a couple has a child. The bond can be broke of course through divorce or death, but it’s initially a formal bond known as: marriage. The marriage comes from the law. Period. Living outside the law is “living in sin” because the couple ignores and violates God’s law. I’m sure other religions have their own take, but the “idea’ is the same in that marriage is formally recognized by society by law. Peace.
“I quit cohabitating, and you can learn how to not cohabitate, too. Sign up for my free seminar at 1-800-NOMOCOHO, and kick the cohabit today!”
Vietvet FEBRUARY 17, 2017 AT 10:36 PM
“I quit cohabitating, and you can learn how to not cohabitate, too. Sign up for my free seminar at 1-800-NOMOCOHO, and kick the cohabit today!”
Gonna be a problem Vietvet. You’ll have to open a separate branch for some whiners – NoMoHomoCOHO and NoMoLesboCOHO
@Perspective; Would 1-800-NOMOWEIRDO cover all the bases?
My guess is that it’s rarely the woman’s idea to live together. She goes along with it out of love and then reality kicks in after having kids.