Study: COVID-19 Fatality Rate Drops by 30% Since April – IOTW Report

Study: COVID-19 Fatality Rate Drops by 30% Since April

Legal Insurrection:

The University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) announced that COVID-19’s fatality rate dropped 30% since April.

But yet we need to cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas.

From Reuters:

In the United States, COVID-19 now kills about 0.6% of people infected with the virus, compared with around 0.9% early in the pandemic, IHME Director Dr. Christopher Murray told Reuters.

He said statistics reflect that doctors have figured out better ways to care for patients, including the use of blood thinners and oxygen support. Effective treatments, such as the generic steroid dexamethasone, have also been identified.

Experts have struggled to accurately measure a crucial metric in the pandemic: the fatality rate, or percentage of people infected with the pathogen who are likely to die. The difficulty is exacerbated by the fact that many people who become infected do not experience symptoms and are never identified.

Is anyone shocked that the main risk is age? Me either, considering viruses seem to hit older people the hardest: read more

6 Comments on Study: COVID-19 Fatality Rate Drops by 30% Since April

  1. It’s dropping because more and more people are developing the sense to stay out of the hospitals and nursing homes.

    Let’s ace it, virtually all deaths from covid take place in a hospital or nursing home so if you just don’t go into one you are almost fully safe from dying from it.

    That’s science.

  2. Someone on FB (an anti-Trump liberal) said that we need a new shut down because they one earlier this year was useless because the virus was not here yet.

    So to sum it up: the things Trump did showed he was racist for doing them but he didn’t do enough but what he did was useless because they didn’t do any good because they were done too early.

    Got that?

  3. We have it at my house right now. It’s a non-event. Feels like a head cold only I can’t smell anything.

    It should go without saying, but … Definitely not worth shutting the country down over.

  4. Like ANY Flu-Virus it PEAKS and struggles along until cold weather returns.

    Hence even the CDC acknowledges that Flu Season runs from Oct/Nov to April/May in the northern hemisphere.

    The C-19 Peaked April 18th and started a steady decline minus a small bump or 2 all the way to Oct.

    See: Table #1. For yourself using the CDC’s Official death figures.

    4/18/2020 —-> 17,087 Deaths
    10/31/2020 —-> 3,644 Deaths

    So based on the US CDC figures represents a:
    -78.6738456136244% DECREASE not 30%

    BTW: Even the CDC tracks Flu seasons by a given time frame and resets the counters at the start of each New Flu season.
    Thus NOT rolling over and adding to the previous years numbers.

    Which is why many of us feel we have entered the 2020-2021 C-19 Flu season as of Nov. 01st, 2020 and C-19 counters should be reset.
    It would also allow us to track to see if the current C-19 strain is weaker and less deadly against last years INITIAL infections

  5. It’s long been known that the best place to get sick is a place where there are sick people.
    As usual, eat right, exercise regularly, take supplements, get adequate sleep, and wash your hands. A LOT.
    This is all most people need to do to not only avoid WuFlu, but a lot of other crap too.

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