Study: Gen Z Faces ‘Menu Anxiety’ When Dining Out – IOTW Report

Study: Gen Z Faces ‘Menu Anxiety’ When Dining Out


Gen Z, recognized for their digital expertise and adventurous nature, finds themselves grappling with more than just selecting the latest trendy dish for a perfect Instagram-worthy meal. An unexpected discovery from a recent study conducted by British restaurant chain Prezzo unveils a remarkable trend: 86% of Gen Z encounters “menu anxiety,” a sensation of stress and unease when confronted with a restaurant menu. more

22 Comments on Study: Gen Z Faces ‘Menu Anxiety’ When Dining Out

  1. Are the menus written in cursive so that they can’t understand them? Morons, get a life and if you can’t figure it out, starve yourselves to death. And they used to call my generation the baby boomers a bunch of dumbasses. Only if you consider that we spawned their millennial parents (my 3 kids are millennials but not idiots) and they in turn gave birth to these worthless, spoiled cretins. Maybe the reason they can’t figure out menus is that they were never taught to read properly or how to spell.

  2. Yeah, I don’t think a sampling of 2000 so-called Gen-Zers is enough to draw any conclusions. And 18-24 year-olds? That seems like another obvious problem. Finally: a study conducted “by a restaurant chain”? The Open Table reviews for their Boca Raton and Palm Beach locations emphasize how fun and nice the server was.

    I think this is a push poll for a restaurant chain’s targeted marketing campaign. Prezzo’s restaurants appear to be more about “ambience” than food. Lots of burger and pasta choices with a few sophisticated (costlier) items. And the article itself discloses the CEO’s goal of making their restaurants about how the server interacts with their customers. Gen Zers are all about “the experience”. Unsurprising, since these are the kids who still sit next to each other on a sofa and text each other. Of course they’re anxious whenever they’re required to actually talk to someone who isn’t on their phone contacts.

  3. A part of the problem is trying to figure out what the menu offers as you try to figure out what the cute names, especially sandwichshops, imply.
    I’ve suffered this many times. All I want is a Reuben sandwich and I have to read the ingredients in the menu for the sandwiches until I discover what they’ve decided to call a Reuben.

  4. Confuse the shit out of them even more and write the menu in cursive. I only pray that when I am old that I am able to take care of myself because I don’t want any of these knuckleheads taking care of me.

  5. I’ve found myself fumbling around trying to figure out what to order at Panera Bread the last time I was there. I also find it difficult to figure out what to order in places with “choose item from column one” then “an item from column two” or mix and match options. If I am not a steady customer at that restaurant how am I to know what items on your menu I’d like much less match to make a decent meal?

    I’m just finishing “Knowing What we Know” where the author points out how the more people rely their smartphones the less knowledge they retain and are more susceptible to disaster if their technology is lost. This doesn’t even begin to address how the major purveyors of information today are screening and censoring that which they don’t want people to know.

    Our complacence and trust on those we reference is a disturbing pathway to being passively controlled by those who can and do manipulate information.

  6. Every time we hit the lotto we go out for eats at a restaurant. As in where they don’t ask if “you want fries with that.”

    Yeah, we eat out a lot these days. Last time out I really was bothered for the first time about the cost.
    Dinner for four without many major additions (appetizers / deserts) or drinks from the bar needs serious cash.
    Ain’t talking RUTH’S CHRIS here.
    [See previous post about being old.]

  7. What a coincidence. I hate those goddam kiosks at McDonald’s and the fast food phone apps which Gen Z seems to love so much. They get anxious talking to waiters? Stay home and cook. That’s what I do.

  8. At least some zoomers don’t want to interact at all – I know a few that would rather order takeout online, pay with a credit card, have it delivered and never ever deal with a live person.


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