Study: High End Model Climate Sensitivities Not Supported by Paleo Evidence – IOTW Report

Study: High End Model Climate Sensitivities Not Supported by Paleo Evidence


Guest essay by Eric Worrall

University of Michigan researchers have done the unthinkable, and checked climate model predictions against available paleo-climate data to see if the predictions are plausible.

Some of the latest climate models provide unrealistically high projections of future warming

Date:April 30, 2020Source:University of MichiganSummary:A new study from climate researchers concludes that some of the latest-generation climate models may be overly sensitive to carbon dioxide increases and therefore project future warming that is unrealistically high.

A new study from University of Michigan climate researchers concludes that some of the latest-generation climate models may be overly sensitive to carbon dioxide increases and therefore project future warming that is unrealistically high. more here

10 Comments on Study: High End Model Climate Sensitivities Not Supported by Paleo Evidence

  1. “some of the latest-generation climate models may be overly sensitive”

    Sound familiar with regard to their models in general?

    We’re all gonna die from climate change or COVID-19.

    …and bees next..

  2. The University of Michigan must be shut down NOW! They have been taken over by Trumpian zealots who think Science is a hoax and a conspiracy theory. Everyone know that the ice caps are melting at record speeds. Anyone who says otherwise is a racist lying hater.

  3. Watch Planet of the Humans.

    Now that everybody drank the Cool aid, Fat Sac-O-Shit Moore, needed something new to generate so that counter culture could send him money and it looks like telling the truth is the new counter culture.

    I still do not trust the half truth teller, but the mini movie really pissed off the scammers.

  4. All this Models & Science stuff is for suckers. The MSM comes out every year proclaiming this is the hottest year in history and the sheeple nod in agreement.


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