Study: Latino-Owned Businesses Growing at Record Pace in Trump Economy – IOTW Report

Study: Latino-Owned Businesses Growing at Record Pace in Trump Economy


Latino-owned businesses are experiencing significant growth thanks to a strong economy, a Biz2Credit study found.


Rohit Arora, Biz2Credit’s CEO, said Latino business owners are enjoying a 46 percent jump in revenue this year, which will bolster the nation’s thriving economy.

Arora commented:

Latino-owned businesses have grown 31.6% since 2012, and our research finds that revenues of Latino-owned companies jumped 23% from 2017-18. Cost management is a challenge for young and growing firms, which can factor into the dip in credit scores. Latino businesses are thriving and expanding, and they help contribute to the overall strength of the U.S. economy.

In May, Alfredo Ortiz of the Job Creators Network said that although Democrats claimed the Trump economy was no help to the Hispanic community, the facts revealed the opposite. read more

11 Comments on Study: Latino-Owned Businesses Growing at Record Pace in Trump Economy

  1. Not winning! It is the continued invasion of Latino illegals over-running the country. They stick together so buy from Latino businesses, as well as being employed by them. They then do not have to speak English. And all those Latino businesses–have they been getting small business loans for being alleged minorities? And are they also illegal aliens being allowed amnesty? Donald hasn’t done anything for legitimate Americans yet!

  2. Just checkout Airline Dr. In Houston. Just curious if all ofthese businesses have are property licensed, inspected (food stands), collect sales, taxes, etc. Big underground economy going on

  3. @tRuth October 21, 2019 at 6:04 pm

    > Donald hasn’t done anything for legitimate Americans yet!

    He has shown them the benefits of the peaceful transition of power, while working within the system.

    (Of course, doing that for them, doesn’t require they do anything for themselves. So, KAGA!)

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