Study: Pregnant vegetarians 3X more likely to have kids who abuse drugs – IOTW Report

Study: Pregnant vegetarians 3X more likely to have kids who abuse drugs


A new study from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism found that women who don’t eat meat during pregnancy raise the risk of their children becoming hooked on drugs and alchohol.

Specifically, adolescents under 15 were almost twice as likely to drink and smoke and nearly three times as likely to use cannabis.

Researchers looked at the habits of 5,109 women and their children. The children of the women who ate meat daily during their pregnancies were compared to those whose mothers didn’t eat meat at that time.

The children were born between April 1, 1991 and December 31, 1992.

Study lead author Dr. Joseph Hibbeln said that while pregnant women are often advised to reduce their red meat intake, doing so can cause nutritional deficiencies that may affect a baby’s brain development.

Most vegetarians are deficient in B12 while pregnant. B12 is mainly found in meats and shellfish.  read more

12 Comments on Study: Pregnant vegetarians 3X more likely to have kids who abuse drugs

  1. I agree with ChiGuy. Vegetarians are more likely than most to have many really screwed up beliefs and behaviors that could lead to their offspring being just as screwed up or worse.
    Eat meat – it’s good for you!

  2. Not a clear study. There are different types of vegetarians. The strict vegans don’t eat any animal products and without B12 supplements will get very sick.
    The more reasonable vegetarians eat eggs and dairy and if they eat enough of those products will be healthier.

  3. In the 70’s, over two years as a graduate research assistant, I found 45% of the Professors used drugs, 100% used alcohol, ate meat and vegetables. Of the research assistants, 85% used drugs, 100% used alcohol, ate meat and vegetables.
    To my knowledge not one had parents that were vegetarians and not one male got pregnant.

  4. PRO TIP: If you are a mammal that has eyes located in front of your head that enable you to locate and focus upon potential prey and were born with pointy teeth meant for shredding/tearing meat… You….. wait for it…. are a carnivore. It is truly that simple and no further explanation is needed. Now go have a burger.

  5. 3/4s of children that were adopted (purchased-kidnapped) by homopsycho couples attempt suicide by the age of 18 and are five times more likely to be drug abusers and ten times more likely to be alcoholics. They are also sexually abused by the adopting/kidnapping/purchasing homopsycho “parents” at 300 times the rate of normal people.

  6. Attention stupids!

    Meat has chemicals NOT REPRODUCED in other foods. And you know what? Those chemicals are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR BRAIN DEVELOPMENT AGES 0-3.

    Meaning, during those early years, you DON’T get that crucial development back, it’s permanent.

    While the left scoffs at child abuse by parents who refuse to give inoculations to their children, it’s also CHILD ABUSE not to feed your baby meat due to your wacky belief system as well.

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