Study Shows Chances of Contracting COVID Increase With Each Vaccine Dose – IOTW Report

Study Shows Chances of Contracting COVID Increase With Each Vaccine Dose


The survey ultimately discovered an association between higher risk of COVID-19 and those individuals who had previously received a greater number of vaccine doses.

JTN: A recently published study from the Cleveland Clinic has questioned COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and posited that additional doses may in fact increase one’s likeliness of contracting the disease.

Conducted between September and December of this year, the clinic examined 51,000 of its employees to test the “bivalent” vaccine, created to protect against the original COVID-19 strain and its Omicron variants. It also sought to determine the effectiveness of subsequent vaccine doses. The study has not yet been peer-reviewed.

The survey ultimately discovered an association between higher risk of COVID-19 and those individuals who had previously received a greater number of vaccine doses. The study further determined that the bivalent vaccines were only 30% effective in preventing infection against different variants of the Omicron strain of the virus. MORE

12 Comments on Study Shows Chances of Contracting COVID Increase With Each Vaccine Dose

  1. I am very unvaxxed, and have had no issues.

    Of course I may have got asymptomatic Coof a hundred times now.

    But I don’t repeatedly test myself with unreliable tests for things that don’t actually make me sick.

    Because that’s just stupid.

  2. The Washington Post published an article today attesting to what a bunch of us have been saying, exercise is your best prevention from covid and your best chance of surviving the jab. It’s true.

  3. And remember every person who has been jabbed multiple times and still gotten Covid will tell you that because of the vax, it wasn’t too bad. Of course, I wonder sometimes aloud but usually to myself why they don’t question the efficacy of the shot or ask themselves why they got the dreaded coof.

    And as for testing, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I certainly love a pandemic where people had the stamina to around for hours in the winter cold to find out if they were sick or not. Now thanks to the unreliable home tests, that no longer happens but this constant testing is very suspect.

    Happy Holidays everybody!

  4. Unvaxxed, but I did get Covid late November 2021 and was sick as hell for a month. Chills, sweats, vomiting, diarrhea, extreme sensitivity to cold, and it fucked up my sense of smell and taste for about six weeks.

  5. Still a pure blood.
    Got the omicron Nov ’21. Took zinc, quercitin and extra D and was fine in 3 days.

    My father, who used to call every year to brag about his stellar yearly physical got talked into all the jabs and contracted pneumonia and myocarditis and was dead in a few months. He said he knew it was the shots.

    Even one of my dyed in the wool democrat uncles is waking up. He got jabbed. Was never sick in all his 78 yrs. He had a sudden heart attack in the summer. Even he thinks it was the shots.

  6. Study Shows Chances of Contracting COVID Increase With Each Vaccine Dose

    Saw my doctor yesterday and he finally admitted to me that he was wrong about the jab and has since changed his mind about the jab. He said there hasn’t been a single covid death from ages 0-18 this year in our county and very few cases. County no longer will release the info because the medical wackos think that parents won’t get their kids jabbed. The last thing he said was “they don’t work.” Well doctor, I TOLD YOU SO! He also said most people make it through covid just fine.

  7. In the hospital with Covid, I asked an MD Ivermectin denier if he would give Ivermectin to one of his loved ones or would he kill his loved one with the CDC’s Remdesivir protocol. No Christmas card from him!

  8. All unvaxxed here; my teenage daughters both had it a couple of times, high fever cough headaches, I took care of them and never had any symptoms, I always have lots of physical activities. Woke up last Christmas eve with a high fever and no energy or appetite. Had to be omicron, took zinc and vitamin d then haven’t quit since, also not sick since.

  9. Too bad it’s not only covid they’re getting. At least they’d still be alive. I had a friend ask how people couldn’t see all these people just dying suddenly in unexplained deaths or heart attacks is because of the shots? I told him if you had gotten the shots, you wouldn’t want to admit it either, because for one you’d have to admit you were conned and for two you’d have to admit you have a ticking time bomb inside you.

    These latest boosters seem to be acting more quickly though, anyone I know who has gotten boosted within the last 6 months are all dying off within 2 months. That’s the longest I’ve seen any of them last. I know three who got them within the last month and am waiting for the call that they’re gone.

    I say it’s probably because many who had no issues with the first two that were rolled out were in the placebo group, sadly many of them weren’t and also were dead within 2 months, many within 48 hours.


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