Stunning new report shows how crooked Congress really is – IOTW Report

Stunning new report shows how crooked Congress really is

They named names.

The popular X finance account “Unusual Whales” put together the shocking report, which really puts into perspective what so-called “public servants” are really up to.

15 Comments on Stunning new report shows how crooked Congress really is

  1. The Republicans can’t even beat the Democrats at insider trading in the stock market. What a bunch of stupid shits! They’re corrupt, for sure, but they suck at it!

  2. Is there any way of finding out what trades the cleptocrats are making, then do the same trades the same day or a day later?

    There are many things that could be done to fight this corruption, but it would require the corrupt to pass laws to fight their corruption. That isn’t going to happen.

    As the Crenshaw said, why would anyone run for Congress if there was no way to improve their situation if they did? He said nobody but millionaires and billionaires would run then. So instead, most people entering Congress become millionaires and billionaires shortly after getting there, so what’s the difference?

  3. @ RadioMattM:”Is there any way of finding out what trades the cleptocrats are making, then do the same trades the same day or a day later?”
    Yes, it’s called “insider trading”.

  4. Please DETAIL WHERE in the Constitution Congress is given the power to pick winners and losers, micromanage the entire economy, regulate every millisecond of everyone’s lives, steal over half the wealth of the nation, bestow the control of the currency to an unaccountable cabal of criminal banksters, and everything else that empowers them to “know” the future when it comes to stock trading? Good luck finding such power. The SOLUTION is NOT to ban stock trading, etc. but to RESTORE the Constitutional limits on government power. That alone would be a win-win for everyone…except the political criminals…and F them anyway.

  5. I guess that tired, worn out phrase “public service” is dead?
    I’m guessing that Agency heads and Secretaries are doing the same shit.
    Probably all the way “down” to the SES maggots.

    Somebody needs to look at the maggots in the FBI and DOJ – they don’t just commit treason on a lark.

    Isn’t the GAO supposed to keep track of this shit?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Crenshaw is a disgusting piece of shit. You’re supposed to be there serving us. If he wantsto make money, resign and go make those trades without inside information. Good luck with that.

  7. In 2008, when GWB and Murdocks we’re pushing RomneyCare a lefty who would be Speaker in 5 years shrewdly invested $250,000 in 5 medical/dope companies.

    Every investment was a “4 bagger”!

    By the time he was Speaker his quarter million had become ten million – $10,000,000!

    A 4 thousand percent (4,000%) ROI.

    Lefty’s name J. Bayner – ok Boehner!

    Think lefties are dumb! Think again!

  8. In 2008, when GWB and Murdocks we’re pushing RomneyCare a lefty who would be Speaker in 5 years shrewdly invested $250,000 in 5 medical/dope companies.

    Every investment was a “4 bagger”!

    By the time he was Speaker his quarter million had become ten million – $10,000,000!

    A 4 thousand percent (4,000%) ROI.

    Lefty’s name J. Bayner – ok Boehner!

    Think lefties are dumb! Think again!


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