Stupid people are drinking bleach to fight WuhanChina-Flu – IOTW Report

Stupid people are drinking bleach to fight WuhanChina-Flu

Poison Control Center Gets Reports People Are Drinking Bleach to ‘Cure’ Coronavirus.

Yes. You read that right. They’re drinking bleach.
I don’t know what troll pushed this “cure”, but they need to burn in hell.
That is all.

42 Comments on Stupid people are drinking bleach to fight WuhanChina-Flu

  1. One thing I know about bleach is that it burns after a while and tears away at the elasticity of your starfish. Much faster than when Petey B furiously rams his cock up my ass!

  2. There’s no cases in Zimbabwe. We can all move there and avoid the virus and hyperinflation here. Plus they already had a hyperinflation moment, no chance of having it again and their currency makes good toilet paper. lol. Bring your gold, 1 ounce is over a half million Zimbabwe dollars! Live like KINGS!

  3. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…….oh man…… this is like something I would come up with.


    People drinking bleach…….. hahahahahahaha

    Well played, evil bastard.

  4. Carry a bag of habaneros and chew on one every 1/2 hour. Not sure virus would want to get close to you and when your crying and screaming vulgarities and your nose is running like a waterfall no one will either.

  5. Dude, they may not need hell, the pain will come before that. I tell you this from experience. I only remember small bits, because I was three, but I drank a bunch of bleach and had to have my stomach pumped. I have a memory of something that must have been a hallucination, and after that, very little else until hospital.

    I recall still the alternating orange and yellow chairs and seeing the tube coming toward me, headed for my throat. That’s pretty much it. Even the recovery period is a big blank, but I’m told it was pretty ugly. To this day the number one question people ask is variations on “But didn’t it taste terrible enough for you to stop drinking?”

    The only lasting damage it did was that it effed up my senses of taste and smell a little, but they are still largely intact. And I managed to graduate from university without becoming a communist.

  6. My smart stupid Chinese BIL sent my wife a link which as best I can tell, was a technique to kill Chinaman’s Cough with a blow dryer and a spray bottle of water. My wife said it sounded plausible, I said it was insane, coke on, it’s your professor BIL.

    He apologized today for the fake news, because he had researched it and found it was false. But I guess it doesn’t matter when you get there, as long as you get there.

  7. …it’s very weird when you’re dealing with an attempted suicide by bleach, and she’s crying and belching and you keep getting this swimming pool/Fresh Linen scent wafting up from this agonized person’s mouth instead of bad breath, vomit, blood, food, or all the OTHER nastiness that you USUALLY get from a human mouth, it’s just ODD to smell sobs like that…

    …and vomiting is NOT recommended. Generally speaaking, burns going DOWN will burn coming UP, plus aspiration of bleach vomit would be SUPER dangerous…

    …the household stuff isn’t terrible in low doses, though. Mostly, the hospital will monitor, so airway management and gastric damage are the main concerns, with some potential for cardiac disturbance depending on the dose…

    …it once would have been good to follow with a psych consult, but THESE days, they’d ignore the crazy and just talk her into getting a double mastectomy and a dick sewn on instead…

  8. Aaron Burr, try fermented garlic. It’s similar to eating a jelly chew. After taste is a bit garlic-y, but much easier to get through overall. It actually compliments a well rounded salad, I generally chop a few up in my salads. Then again I prefer apple cider vinegar and olive oil for dressing over any commercial brand with raw yams, zucchini, red/orange bell peppers, nuts, seeds, feta cheese, any left over protein from night before dinner, dandelion, olives, carrots, tomato, radish, and virtually anything else that grows out of the ground. My wife got me eating salads and she thinks my creations are bat shit crazy. I fill a very large bowl to the top with all that crap for lunch with a half head of romaine.


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