SUBMIT TO THE CLINTON MACHINE: Bernie Crushes Hillary, BUT She Garners More Delegates – IOTW Report

SUBMIT TO THE CLINTON MACHINE: Bernie Crushes Hillary, BUT She Garners More Delegates


DailySurge: Democrats better get with it. It doesn’t matter if you want Bernie, you’re getting Hillary.

Bernie Sanders absolutely annihilated Hillary Clinton last night in New Hampshire. Right? Well yes, but don’t mess with the Clinton Machine, because Hillary just made out like a bandit.  MORE

23 Comments on SUBMIT TO THE CLINTON MACHINE: Bernie Crushes Hillary, BUT She Garners More Delegates

  1. What isn’t corrupt about the democRatic machine? Bernie wins but in reality loses. Yeah that seems fair. Hillary will make sure Bernie suffers a fatal heart attack before this is over. She will not be denied twice.

  2. This scenario perfectly symbolizes what the Democrats are really about–illogic, waste, fraud, unfairness, corruption, non-meritocracism, and elitism. If most delegates are assigned by the party bigwigs, then why waste time with primaries? If The People want to Feel the Bern, then who is Ms. Washerwoman-Schultz to assign superdelegates to Clinton? Why should the party chairman have that much power?

    This stinks to high heaven. I hope Sanders sues the living daylights out of the DNC, and forces the collapse of the party owing to its own sheer ineptitude.

    P.S. This is how utterly bizarre this election cycle is–anyone here remember the last time I defended a Commie? Me neither.


    The GOP *already* has its own sicko “arbitrary” rules set up to stop a momentum candidate like Trump and to throw whatever delegates necessary to the candidate of their choice (be it !Jeb! or Rubot).

    One example: the winning nominee must have won at least EIGHT of the “winner take all” states…states which *may* use that method only on or after March 15. On top of that, some states require the “winner” to reach a certain percentage to be considered the “winner.”

    IF there appears to be a “clear leader” in the Primaries – be it Cruz or Trump – by March 15,
    AND IF you live in one of those “winner take all” states,

    please vote for that candidate to avoid splitting the votes and thereby allowing the GOPe to throw the nomination to !Jeb! or Rubot…or even giving them the leverage to force !Jeb! or Rubot on the ticket as VP.

  4. if the brainwashed moron college students and similar who are “all-in” for Bernie actually have enough awareness and comprehension to understand the delegate scam they SHOULD be up in arms.

    These imbecile Bernites are almost as fervently excited about their candidate as the Trumpeters.

    Expect them to “Occupy” the dnc and poop all over the place like the OWS crowd did.

  5. Bernie knows the stakes.
    No sympathy.

    If the “guys” come to take him to Ft. Marcy Park, you can bet that his own people will help shove him in the trunk.

    That’s the nature of socialism. Just ask all the socialists that Lenin and Stalin hanged … or had shot.

  6. Ha Ha, its the Every vote counts but some Pigs are more equal Par-Tay, Yo !!

    Throw the old codger a prune to gnaw on while we Disco Inferno this dance floor like the Cray Cray Peeps we be !

    Watch Bill’s Wife (What other credentials does she have ?) roll up on those suthun states while the Bolshevik Balcony Muppet wonders what the hell happened and can’t find his car keys.

    *Hillary pinches a Bernie voters cheek while saying Gotcha Gotcha Goo…

  7. This is why I don’t vote democrat.

    Bernie Sanders supporters are nothing more than ressurected Ron Paul supporters, who have drafted OWS types and grown like The Blob.

    This is only the beginning….Hillary will lose in most states, but she will win delegates, and go on to the DNC to garner the majority of super-dels. Bernie voters will not take this standing down, after knowing their votes didn’t count. I hope they scream, riot, and cause a huge scene, then sit out the election.

    Alas, Hillary is not stupid…She will pick Sanders as her running mate in order to unify the base.

  8. Death_by_Farts, remember way back when the Dems were all concerned for the GOP because it was so horrible with hispanic outreach? And now Bernie & Hillary are fighting tooth-and-nail for white college kids and blacks. I guess lil’ Julian Castro is feeling like chopped liver right now. Although he might not want to have anything to do with Hillary at this point. Si se puede, indeed.

  9. SO once again, that putrid Clinton Cartel just sweeps in and steals what they want, led by CigarWillieWonka and the Hilldabeest. …Debbie WS is their pawn, and gets a few pesos for selling her Jewish soul to the Cartel. I am not shocked if the GOPers have the same super-delegate SCAM in place. The only way to fight this is to revolt…..If the vote counts show they lost, then they better grasp facts that indicate this will NOT end well for them….stealing elections will cost you more than you will be willing to pay….

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