Subpoena Update: James Comer Captures Nearly All Hunter Biden’s Bank Records  – IOTW Report

Subpoena Update: James Comer Captures Nearly All Hunter Biden’s Bank Records 

Breitbart: Nearly all of Hunter Biden’s bank records subpoenaed by House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) are in the hands of the committee, Comer said Friday.

The near conclusion of the subpoena process signals the committee’s next step of requesting the Bidens appear before the committee under oath.

Comer subpoenaed the personal and business bank records of Hunter and James Biden on September 28 to investigate the link between Joe Biden and his family’s foreign deals.

Speaking with Lou Dobbs on the The Great America Show with Lou Dobbs, Comer confirmed the committee subpoenaed Hunter Biden’s bank records. “We’ve gotten almost all the bank records in,” he said.

“It’s been a long process because, Lou, he [Hunter Biden] has so many bank accounts,” Comer said, explaining the complexity of the process. “He would have one shell company with a dozen bank accounts.”

Comer, a former bank board member, accused the Bidens of running a scam. “They laundered money,” he said.

“Because we got these bank accounts, we’re very close to bringing in the Bidens,” Comer said about demanding their testimony. “I would say it’s a matter of days before they get served.” more

15 Comments on Subpoena Update: James Comer Captures Nearly All Hunter Biden’s Bank Records 

  1. Billy TwoKnives
    SATURDAY, 4 NOVEMBER 2023, 10:31 AT 10:31 AM
    “I’ll win the Powerball lottery before any Biden is indicted for anything.”

    That billion dollars won’t buy you a large size Happy Meal by the time you win it thanks to Bidenomics.

  2. Puddun Brain needs to get a “Al Capone” sentence for tax evasion from all those 10%s he never paid income tax on. His Crackhead son needs the same sentence plus another for actually doing the laundering. Neither will get released from prison until they reach corpse stage.

  3. “Accept, Do Not Expect” – from Buddhist writings. A person of common sense and a sense of right and wrong would expect that anyone committing criminal behavior or even treason would be punished accordingly. When one expects, he is often disappointed. I would assume we’ll all be disappointed regarding the Bidens. It is rare to see a member of the protected class to suffer punishment of any kind.

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