Subpoenas Issued For Dominion Software And Equipment From AZ County – IOTW Report

Subpoenas Issued For Dominion Software And Equipment From AZ County

Palmieri Report: According to a new report from OANN, the Arizona GOP has issued a subpoena to review ballots, Dominion machines, and related voting documents out of Maricopa County. more

14 Comments on Subpoenas Issued For Dominion Software And Equipment From AZ County

  1. Powell is right, of course. All these Dominion machines/software/usb cards/thumb drives should have been seized within a few days of all the reports of fraud. Antrim county, according the ASOG forensic report, have already destroyed ALL the internal logs, which would have given the userIDs of the people who manipulated data/votes, etc.

  2. @AbigailAdams — I read the whole report earlier this evening, and one of the security failures mentioned was the sharing of administrator user IDs and passwords also makes it impossible to identify individual users who carried out the fraud. This plus the deletion of the network logs (for this election only; earlier logs were still there) which would have had identifiable IP addresses, is a telltale erasing of tracks.

    I guess we’ll just have to jail all of them.

  3. Uncle Al — Quite a read, huh? The way in which the entire election apparati was handled (copied to an unsecure desk top, thumb drives rattling around in a desk drawer with a bunch of “random” thumb drives, etc.) — well, it’s all too much.

    I wonder if it is the names of the machine operators that was redacted on pages near the end of the report.

  4. Uncle Al — I think despite the sharing of passwords/IDs, at least it would have narrowed the universe of possible access down from “everybody” to “everybody in the clerk’s office/Dominion operatives/election hires”. That would have been a pretty knowable constellation of people. Then winnow it down by putting them under scrutiny and see who starts singing.

  5. Uncle Al — “This plus the deletion of the network logs (for this election only; earlier logs were still there) which would have had identifiable IP addresses, is a telltale erasing of tracks.”

    ASOG addressed this and said it was absolutely intentional. Plus the attempt by an unknown person to access the sytem somewhat later, with the intent to change things. Fraud. Fraud. Fraud.

    Did ASOG say (I don’t remember) that the 11/20 updates were for the purpose of covering the initial fraud carried out by the 11/3 updates?

    All those people “palmning” drives and cards!

  6. …and that message from AG Benson about the tabulation and the ability to have spotted “errors” — all false. She probably doesn’t know what binary means! She couldn’t have written that statement herself. Who wrote that pile of falsehoods?

  7. Uncle Al DECEMBER 14, 2020 AT 11:43 PM
    “@AbigailAdams — I read the whole report earlier this evening, and one of the security failures mentioned was the sharing of administrator user IDs and passwords also makes it impossible to identify individual users who carried out the fraud.”

    ..actually, this is pretty simple to deal with IF they follow precident set by FEDERAL law for electronic signatures.

    You send the person who was assigned the ID to jail.

    Electronic signatures are NOT new. They’ve been part of FDA regulations for YEARS.

    …I do not know if there’s any similar standard for electioneering…probably NOT, they LIKE to preserve the ability to cheat…but becuase I manage industrial IT systems I have a little spiel I give EVERYONE when I have them up to set up their passwords, because I am NOT allowed to know it or able to recover it because it’s a SIGNATURE…

    “Please keep in mind that every action that is taken using THIS User ID and THIS Password will be considered to have been done by you and that you have signed your name to it, so if there are any legal issues arising from its use, you can go to jail for having signed off on it. Because of this, please do NOT share your password and tell me IMMEDIATELY if you believe your password is compromised and I will have you up to change your password again. Please remember that I cannot know or recover your password, but if you forget it, we can change it at any time”.

    …And I’m serious as a heart attack about it. You ARE legally responsible for anything done with this. I’ve changed my OWN several times because people DO like to look over your shoulder.

    …so again, it’s not that this CAN’T be more secure, or that there ISN’T a precident for criminal penalites for anyone abusing the system.

    It’s just that NO ONE is interested in ACTUALLY securing OUR election system, it’s just too tempting to have available cheating for BOTH parties as long as they ALL pull in the SAME DIRECTION, which is towards Communism…

  8. Destroying election records should be an offense punishable
    By, forfeiting the right to vote again, jail time and a large fine.
    Every business I’ve worked in has by law had to retain their records for at least three years. And in some cases those records were open to audits. I’ve had to dig through them and supply auditors with documents. Every state should be able to do so also.

  9. Ronterf
    DECEMBER 15, 2020 AT 8:20 AM

    …yep, that audit thing is absolutely true. All of my signature and process records are required by Federal law to be accessible on demand for no less than 3 years, and my industrial control systems generate an audit trail AND I can NEVER delete a user once created so they can ALWAYS reconcile the electronic signature on a document with a name.

    Which really SUCKS because some positions have a pretty high turnover rate, but that’s neither here nor there.

    …the point is, if they take FOOD that seriously, why don’t they take elections that can result in deliberate or accidental LACK of food to MILLIONS (because that’s what Communist political and economic theories DO) at LEAST as seriously, as they can do MUCH more harm to FAR more people at a REALLY high speed, and KEEP harming too because that’s ALSO what Communist do…

  10. Flynn Goldberg DECEMBER 15, 2020 AT 9:21 AM
    “…My increasingly youthful kinfolk mate has been averaging 20k all through continuous months and he works around 24 hours reliably. I can’t trust in how direct it was once I attempted it out.This is my essential concern…:)”

    …these ARE annoying, but you’ve gotta LOVE some of the sentences the ESL crowd assembles to try to sell stuff to Americans, and this one,s pretty amazing…it’s like when a kid starts trying to speak and they know what they want to say, but it comes out rather different than intended, and it does have some comdeic value if you ignore the links…

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