Such a convenient squirrel – IOTW Report

Such a convenient squirrel

Patriot Retort: My ex-husband’s brother taught his dog to go nuts anytime he said, “Where’s the squirrel?”

The dog would shoot out the back door and chase around the backyard like a maniac looking for the phantom squirrel.

In a way, the Enslaved Press reminds me of my ex-brother-in-law’s dog.

Just as the Russia Uranium One story hits, the Enslaved Press is suddenly distracted by a convenient squirrel.


This time, carefully lobbed their way by crank Congresswoman Frederica Wilson.

I mentioned in the previous post that both CNN and MSNBC are ignoring this explosive Russia story. Instead, their main pages are devoted almost entirely to Wilson’s claim that President Trump disrespected the wife of fallen soldier Sgt. La David Johnson.

It really is convenient, isn’t it?

From the wall-to-wall coverage, you’d think Donald Trump personally shot and killed this man.

So why are they making an unsubstantiated claim by a rabidly anti-Trump congresswoman into the next Watergate? more here

15 Comments on Such a convenient squirrel

  1. Are we to take anyone wearing a red sequined cowboy hat seriously? The woman is a caricature. That MSM is championing her is setting Trump up for another smackdown of all involved.

    It’s amazing how they never sense the falling anvil.

  2. Donald Trumps mistake is not recording EVERYTHING he says – if he says something stupid, that is on him but I think it far more likely that he will be taken out of context or outright lied about

  3. “… Press is suddenly distracted …”

    Planned and executed. They sat on their hands till the “squirrel” could be produced. Orchestrated. We are being played by clumsy oafish Keystone Kops, and yet we still refrain from doing our duties.

    WTF is wrong with us?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Odd too they’ve now added his mother into the mix who confirms Trump disrespected her son and the entire family.
    Just a small problem… his mother died when he was young.

  5. As I posted on an earlier thread about this woman.

    This young man was a Green Beret. Not an easy club to join. Which means he was MARSOC for a while. Quite an accomplishment. These people should rot in hell for politicizing the death of a warrior.

  6. Attention comes with currency.
    Action words are best followed by currency.

    “Pizza, pizza, pizza! SQUIRREL!”

    5′ high, 7′ long jump off the deck follows.

    Without pizza, the window gets a stern lickin’.

  7. I just watched Tucker, and the most maddening blonde woman was on with him. She just mumbled constantly about how it was ” Fake News ” and old news, nothing to see here !!!

  8. That is the definition of ASSHAT.

    I taught my boonie dog to smash roaches using a laser pointer while saying “get the bug!”. Needless to say it was hilarious and he liked the game.

  9. Just watched General Kelly speech on Hannity.
    Only a total idiot could come up with this idiotic summary of what President Trump said.
    Hopefully, even in a black democrat district, they can finally get rid of her. We were able to get rid of “Go Gatas” Corine after her district was shifted from snaking along from Jacksonville to snaking along from Jacksonville to Tallahassee.
    I believe President Trump and General Kelly over the black cowgirl any day.

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