Suck-Up Mitt sucks up to Biden – IOTW Report

Suck-Up Mitt sucks up to Biden

Patriot Retort:

Is there a more useless politician than Mitt Romney? This guy spends 99% of his time playing the suck-up.

He sucks up to the Leftist media.

He sucks up to Democrats.

And now, big surprise, he’s sucking up to Joe Biden.

Suck-Up Mitt went on CNN’s “State of the Union” this weekend and actually said that Joe Biden is a “clear-eyed and intelligent individual” (🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂). And, fear not America, Joe Biden will totally take the threats posed by China and Russia seriously.

Has Mitt Romney ever met Joe Biden?

23 Comments on Suck-Up Mitt sucks up to Biden

  1. Wonder how big the skid marks are on his magic underwear?

    My phd psych mentor was a mormon and was quite a decent fellow with a wonderful family. We used to talk about our religious differences but got along great in the rat lab.

    Mittens can’t take care of his dogs – how can he really be capable of helping to run a country?

  2. Kcir (2 Faced Trudeau)
    DECEMBER 23, 2020 AT 9:32 AM

    What the fuck happened to this Asshole!?!?”

    …Trump Derangement Syndrome x10 because EVERYONE knows he wouldn’t have ANY political career on his own, he needed Trump to boost him, and it galls the HELL out of his vain ass.

    …coupled with Hell Hath No Fury like a Republican Candidate Scorned because he took the dive the Deep State TOLD him to in ’12, and then HE didn’t get to be selected President instead of Hillary, and then Trump showed the world a REAL man COULD beat a Democrat if he TRIED, and THAT just eats the ASS out of po li’l Mitts ego…

    …this is why he so implacably wants to pull the President down.

    Because he wants the President to be on HIS miserable level, so he can gloat and make himself feelz beddar…

  3. “Clear-eyed”?? He can’t even read his tellyprompter. And don’t get me started on “intelligent”.

    But at least simp Mitt didn’t call the dirty mumbler “clean and articulate”.

  4. I think Romney is simply a lazy man who, instead of striking out on his own to seek his own fortune, did the easy thing by trading on his father’s name and joining the family business of politics. He practices politics, not governance. Typical professional politician; not what the Founders intended.

  5. Burner, Mitt only wears his Dem gimp suit in DC. Never in Utah. And he’ll hide it in the back of his closet long in the sixth year of his term, to emerge in his gray suit as “Severe Conservative Man” again.


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