Sudanese nationals ‘stranded’ after US destroys passports – media – IOTW Report

Sudanese nationals ‘stranded’ after US destroys passports – media

RT: When US diplomats evacuated their embassy in Khartoum, they destroyed the passports of Sudanese and “other third country nationals” who were in the process of applying for American visas, the Middle East Eye reported on Friday. With fighting raging in the capital, those without passports are now unable to escape the carnage.

The US State Department pulled its diplomats from Sudan and shut its embassy in Khartoum last month, shortly after armed conflict broke out between Sudanese government forces and Rapid Support Forces paramilitaries. 

A State Department spokesperson told the Middle East Eye that embassy staff destroyed documents and materials including passports belonging to Sudanese citizens before the pullout. more

6 Comments on Sudanese nationals ‘stranded’ after US destroys passports – media

  1. Yeah, I know I should feel bad but why is it the default position of our government that if your shithole country goes south, we will just bring everyone over here because, you know, we got plenty of room and plenty of money to take care of you?

    I want that antiquated,”“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” forever removed from the Statue Of Liberty. We have no more vacancies, either stay and fix your internal problems or expatriate to a neighboring country NOT named USA. Our benevolence is killing us.

  2. From what I read, there were at least 70 people on the embassy staff in Sudan. That’s a lot of people, for a backwater like Sudan. Unless half of them were CIA, which is highly likely. Could be more than just spite or stupidity involved in the passport destruction.

    And did I mention that the embattled Sudanese government has an agreement for Russia to build a naval base at the Port of Sudan?

  3. I’m watching my country be destroyed by the deep state and I’m supposed to care about the Sudan? Sorry but we have enough blacks to worry about here.


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