Sudden Stop In Mail-In Vote Count ‘Suspicious’ – IOTW Report

Sudden Stop In Mail-In Vote Count ‘Suspicious’

Newsmax: Trump campaign adviser Steve Cortes said Saturday that a sudden stop in mail-in ballots counting on election night was “incredibly suspicious” — particularly since it was followed by a “deluge” of votes for Joe Biden in key battleground states.

In an interview on Newsmax TV’s “The Count: 2020 Election Special,” Cortes, who was named to President Donald Trump’s Hispanic Advisory Council, said either Biden had a “political perfect storm” or “there was fraud.” watch

15 Comments on Sudden Stop In Mail-In Vote Count ‘Suspicious’

  1. “Incredibly suspicious” just gives birth to all sorts of conspiracy theory stuff if it doesn’t result in immediate and verifiable legal action.

    And conspiracy theory stuff just self propagates on the fringe of things where it does nothing but alienate the larger part of the population.

  2. Sidney Powell is not hired by Trump. She and a lot of other lawyers are donating their time.
    Vic toensing, Joe diGenova, Sidney powell Lin wood and others working on the case are not considered Presidents council. They are working independently.

    Sidney Powell is donating her time and her teams time. She does not work for the Trump Campaign. This was just clarity folks, there is no reason to panic.

    You can donate to to Sidney’s effort here:

  3. @ Major
    How crazy do you have to be to be in a mental hospital nowadays? Since most of them are on the streets in Portland and every Dem hell hole, thanks to the Dems. And 100% of them voted for you know who.


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