Suddenly Doctor Opinions has nothing to say – IOTW Report

Suddenly Doctor Opinions has nothing to say

Patriot Retort:
Odd isn’t it? When he worked for President Trump, Anthony Fauci never met a subject he wasn’t willing to opine on. He was a regular Doctor Opinions.

This was my second biggest complaint about Fauci. He was incapable of staying in his lane.

Of course it didn’t spring up out of nowhere, this need to play Doctor Opinions.

Cable news on-air hosts treat Fauci like a Magic 8-ball – asking questions on subjects for which Fauci is not by any stretch of the imagination an expert. So it isn’t surprising that the little man with the great big ego went full-on Dear Abby and embraced the role of Doctor Opinions.

Education, public policy, the economy, you name it, Doctor Opinions weighed in on every subject under the sun.

Until now. MORE

12 Comments on Suddenly Doctor Opinions has nothing to say

  1. bidens president so that means now Fraudci can make a whole shit load of money off the covid so perhaps he’s keeping his mouth shut with purpose.

    If I were all about the registered trademark, patents, and copyrights I would.
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  2. Did he test this covid vaccines out on foster kids because there weren’t parents to say HELL NO you’re experimenting on my kid like he did with the HIV drugs?

    How many HIV patents does Fauci have 5? 6? 7?


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