Suddenly, I want to buy a jar of pickles – IOTW Report

Suddenly, I want to buy a jar of pickles

… just to have this guy come over and open it for me.

And I don’t even like pickles.

Go see!  

[Marine Porn]

23 Comments on Suddenly, I want to buy a jar of pickles

  1. Welllll then! Dianny and MJA you have out done yourselves. I DO have a jar of pickles, a jar of fake gravy, a jar of pimentos, lots of jars as soon as Mr Z gets back from Publix with my list of jars. Wonderful. Strong men.

    And BTW isn’t it insane obama that whined that these fine men must fight next to women Marines on their periods because feminism? Remember, “feminists need men like a fish needs a bicycle”.

    Women in combat with men will be a disaster, never gonna happen with Mad Dog in charge. Thank goodness.

  2. When I was young I use to do wide grip chins with 90 pounds hanging. Then one day I got smart. If I just gain a bunch of weight I won’t need to hang those weights off me.

  3. I have felt for sometime that Body Weight exercises were the way to go. “Combat Conditioning” by Furey is a great portal to this. Seeing that stuff is a great motivator.

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