Sugar Daddy In Sticky Situation – IOTW Report

Sugar Daddy In Sticky Situation

Was Hunter Biden’s sugar daddy Kevin Morris being protected by the CIA? IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley released a new affidavit explaining how DOJ prosecutor Lesley Wolfe faced pressure from the Feds to avoid further inquiry. Robert Gouveia has the details.

PS- The CIA has a gift shop. 🙄

9 Comments on Sugar Daddy In Sticky Situation

  1. Brad is absolutely correct.

    Using my own words….There is NO way we can trust what used to be OUR own government.

    They have used our money to turn against US.

  2. jellybean

    Absolutely. And the truth of the matter is through criminal enterprise, they are now self funding. You got to draw the line when the pull a color revolution ON OUR FUCKING SOIL.

  3. Well MrLiberty, I hope to God your good with a gun. Because it looks to me like the shits already started. Going to be a long hot summer. From here forward I believe the coups goal is Martial Law. I hope I’m wrong.

  4. Brad – I don’t think you are wrong. I think a lot of us could see the writing on the wall within the first few months of months of this administration and that all the damaging things they were doing were not done out of just ignorance or coincidence, but in fact deliberate. As a result we were justifiably worried about where it was leading to.

  5. Brad, I was thinking that last night. When the minions commit actions that are detrimental to national sovereignty while advancing a worldwide Marxist government, do they ever ask, “Who is running this agency and why do they hate America?” We have always had CIA directors, but who is their boss?


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