Suicide bombing follows evening prayers at the Prophet’s Mosque in Saudi Arabia – IOTW Report

Suicide bombing follows evening prayers at the Prophet’s Mosque in Saudi Arabia

DailyMailUK […]In Shiite-dominated Qatif, on the Gulf coast, residents said a suicide bomber blew himself up outside a mosque frequented by the minority community.

Another suicide bomber stuck near the US consulate in the Red Sea city of Jeddah, injuring two security officers.

The possibility of coordinated, multiple attacks across different cities in Saudi Arabia on the same day underscores the threat the kingdom faces from extremists who view the Western-allied Saudi monarchy as heretics and enemies of Islam.

Saudi Arabia is part of the US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria.


17 Comments on Suicide bombing follows evening prayers at the Prophet’s Mosque in Saudi Arabia

  1. Ain’t that some shiite!

    Did you know that they are giving all the hajjis armbands now so they can identify the bodies in the next stampede?

    You don’t have to be mentally ill to be a moslem, but it… , …,
    wait, yes you do.

  2. One more:
    “The latest explosion occurred at one of Islam’s three holiest sites, the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina in the kingdom’s west where Mohammed is buried, Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya news channel reported.”…

    Al-Arabiya said the Medina incident occurred during sunset prayers after which Muslims break their fast during the holy month of Ramadan, which ends Tuesday….

    The Prophet’s Mosque is particularly crowded during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which is supposed to be a time of charity but has seen spectacular attacks around the region.”

  3. Brings to mind a couple of old sayings…

    “The chickens always come home to roost.”

    “You made your bed. Now lie in it.”

    “Islam sucks camel wang.”

  4. From the BBC News:
    That the attack happened in Medina at such a place is likely to leave Muslims around the world aghast, BBC World Service’s Middle East editor, Alan Johnston, says.
    Suspicion is likely to fall on so-called Islamic State (IS), he adds.

  5. Sorry. Losing the ability to give a shit about muzzie on muzzie killing. Shia? Sunni? AlQaeda? Taliban? ISIS? Muslim brotherhood? Al Nusra? Bokum Haram? I’ve lost my scorecard. They’re all YabbaDabbaDooDooHeads to me and if they slaughter each other I’ll just make more popcorn.

    Attack Americans? Different story.

  6. Let’s see. . . .nope. Not there. . . .over here? Nope, not here either. . .nope, can’t find ’em.
    Looks like I left my give-a-shits in my other pants pockets.

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