Suit demands Los Angeles, San Diego schools ban meat – IOTW Report

Suit demands Los Angeles, San Diego schools ban meat


LOS ANGELES – An anti-meat nonprofit is suing Los Angeles schools in an effort to ban processed meats served in the nation’s second-largest school district.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine filed a lawsuit in San Diego County in an effort to force both the Poway and Los Angeles school districts, as well as the state education department, to stop schools from serving bacon, hot dogs, sausage and other processed meats because of an alleged “recognized association between processed meats … and developing cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease,” KPCC reports.


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20 Comments on Suit demands Los Angeles, San Diego schools ban meat

  1. This just proves once again that there are a lot of people in this country who deserve to get beaten to death. I’m absolutely sick of these litigious progtard faggot pieces of shit trying to force their stupid ass limp-wristed lifestyles on everyone else.

  2. According to some sources, PCRM only about 5% of its members are actually doctors, and the focus of the group is veganism. They have also been criticized by well recognized medical groups, including the AMA.

    So the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine has very few physicians, and pushes veganism instead of responsible medicine. But targeting the Los Angeles Unified School District is a masterstroke designed to gain favorable publicity because LA folk will jump on any progressive bandwagon, including veganism promoted by a fringe group with an important sounding name.

    Oh, and I also liked the portion of the article that mentioned that one of the sponsoring parents had no children in the school district.

  3. “An anti-meat nonprofit … “ … wtf?????

    how the hell can the gubmint give ‘non-profit’ status to this bunch of whining idiots?

    sorry, this shit is seriously WRONG!!!

  4. Vegan industry insider here.

    @ Wyatt, correct, PCRM is a front for a pro-vegan group that has few actual “physicians” on board, and those that are, are typically ones who are also trying to make a name for themselves in terribly strange ways by making insane claims about meat/dairy/etc. being bad for you.

    What most aren’t aware of is that Dr. Barnard, head of PCRM, has actually been married to that nutcase Ingrid Newkirk who heads up PETA, and has been for many years, albeit “in secret” (it’s not even talked about in the vegan world, only because I have worked with Ingrid’s right-hand assistant from years ago did I ever hear this info). Both PETA and PCRM are just vegan propaganda wings, but PCRM has the whole “physicians” thing behind it.

    Let’s just equate it to a group like the CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest) whose agendas helped create the nation’s obesity epidemic decades ago by convincing the public that if you eat fat, you get fat and clog your arteries and die sooner, which pushed for the wave of cheap processed fat-free foods that became the rage starting in the 80s, and we’ve never been fatter since. ACTUAL science eventually proved the CSPI’s claims to have been based on junk science plus their backdoor connections to the wheat industry’s desire to provide more cheap ingredients, so it worked in a perfect storm that made American health decline rapidly over the past 30+ years (not that the CSPI will ever admit to what they did, but it can all be verified with a bit of research).

    Pro-leftist agenda groups like these are terrible and are ONLY out to convince the public that their agenda is the only logical option, when none of them have any logic behind it and are purely driven by emotion and/or greed.

  5. Hell, way back in the dark ages when I was still in school the “meat” in school lunches wasn’t really meat, it was some kind of processed crap that didn’t taste anything like meat. We all thought it was rat or maybe pigeon.

  6. Moderation in everything, Brad – I’m on a diet but I eat what I please, within reason. Jack LaLanne’s “If a man made it, don’t eat it” is sage advice.

  7. “If a man made it, don’t eat it”
    Truer words were never spoken. And they intentionally poison are meat. Lol. Actually that’s not to far from the truth.

  8. Chalupa,

    I hope this makes sense, it’s late. But Uve been lifting weights and training since Christ was a kid. Not necessarily on the health kick but maybe parallel to. Your body is a furnace. That’s no shit. You can get away with eating junk if you burn it. And you burn it in the gym or in the track. Just my two cents and my experience.

  9. How bout the parents of the l’il chillens decide?
    Fuck the lawyers, fuck the school board, fuck the school district.

    Power to the Parents! They’re YOUR children! Take a fuckin interest!

    izlamo delenda est …

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