SUIT: St. Paul schools retaliated against black teacher who criticized ‘white privilege’ training – IOTW Report

SUIT: St. Paul schools retaliated against black teacher who criticized ‘white privilege’ training

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – A former St. Paul Public Schools teacher is suing the district for allegedly retaliating against him for criticizing white privilege training for teachers and related lax discipline policies that shortchanged students.

…“There’s still violence in the schools and it’s escalating,” Benner told EAGnews last spring.

“Students are going to be unemployable if we don’t do something. Police don’t ‘talk about it’ when someone commits a crime. They arrest people.”

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9 Comments on SUIT: St. Paul schools retaliated against black teacher who criticized ‘white privilege’ training

  1. Until Betsy Devos on order from Pres Trump reverses disparate impact policy in schools, the fera students will continue to rule schools from the bottom up.

  2. I’ll be asking all schools in the country to give me any white privilege they find. I can dispose of it properly, making sure their schools are not dirtied by it.

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